private void enterButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
double minNumber, maxNumber, randomValue, outputValue;
//Get the string data entered and parse it to numerical data
minNumber = Double.parseDouble(minInput.getText());
maxNumber = Double.parseDouble(maxInput.getText());
//create a random value to multiply off of.
randomValue = (Math.random());
//generate random output value.
outputValue = (randomValue*maxNumber);
//output the ranomly generated number to the outputLabel on the GUI.
outputLabel.setText("The random value generated is: " + outputValue);
在'0'和'1'之間生成一個隨機數,稱之爲'x'。然後計算'min + x *(max-min)'。 –
使用谷歌搜索會比發佈這個問題更快...... – Andrew