#fibonacci sequence algorithm, user stops by either
#entering a maximum Fibonacci value not to exceed or
#a total count that the sequence of numbers must not
#exceed. Use a loop that allows User to repeat program
#as much as they wish, asking if they would like to
#repeat the program each time. Validate that User input
#is either a yes or a no and only allow User to continue
#once a correct response has been given.
import array
array.listOfFibSeq = ['0','1','1','2','3','5','8','13','21','34','55','89','144','...']
startingNumber = ''
endingNumber = ''
continueYes = ''
def getStartingNumber():
print('Please enter a valid starting number of the Fibonacci Sequence')
startingNumber = input()
def getEndingNumber():
print('Please enter a valid ending number the the Fibonacci Sequence')
endingNumber = input()
lsitOfFibSeq.remove(<3) and listOfFibSeq.remove(>89)