2013-12-18 34 views

在安裝SAS OnDemand的,我收到此錯誤的Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0:單字節字符語言

The following requirments must be met before deploying your SAS Software.

Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0 for Single Byte Character Languages

誰能幫我這個錯誤。我正在使用Win 7 32位。我在我的電腦上安裝了VS 2010,我嘗試再次安裝.NET Framework 4.0,但沒有任何結果。 我的朋友安裝這個應用程序沒有任何問題,但我卡住了。


「單字節字符語言」非常奇怪。您需要聯繫SAS尋求支持。 –


在Google中輸入* Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0 for單字節字符語言*可將我指向[Microsoft .NET Framework 4客戶端語言包](http://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/details。 ASPX?ID = 23067)。不知道它是否有關。 – valverij


如果您無法自行解決這個問題,我會建議您打開一個包含SAS技術支持的曲目(開始[這裏](http://support.sas.com/))。 – Joe



我會採取這樣的措施,我不確定是否知道足夠解決這個問題,因爲我對Microsoft.Net不太瞭解。您正在使用的Windows 32位系統可能與OnDemand Enterprise指南的新版本不兼容,例如SAS OnDemand for Academics 6.1企業指南。我認爲大多數較新的SAS產品只支持Windows 64位系統,這也是其他技術的趨勢。



info: Please wait for a site operator to respond. 
info: You are now chatting with 'Pam' 
Pam: Hi! Welcome to Live Chat! I'm here to help! 
Pam: May I please have your name and company? 
you: Hello 
Pam: Hi! 
you: I'm not actually not with a company, but I'm a student 
Pam: Super, how may I help you today? 
you: My friend has a problem with his installation of SAS onDeand 
you: Demand* 
Pam: What is the issue? 
you: He has a windows 32 bit machine and it's telling his that microsoft.net framework 4.0 is missing 
Pam: I think this is something he should speak with our technical support about. Let me get their contact information for you. 
Pam: If you need immediate help, please call 919-677-8008. You can also open your own track by clicking here to submit your questions via our online form or emailing [email protected] Will that work for you? 
you: Alright thanks 
Pam: You are very welcome. 
you: yeah that's great 
Pam: They will be able to help you with the installation issue. 
you: thank you 
Pam: You bet! 
Pam: Thank you for chatting with us! Have a great day! 
Pam: Your feedback regarding the chat experience is important to us. I would like for you to click here to complete a short survey when you are ready to exit the chat. 



謝謝你的迴應。我會問我的問題支持:) –