function login_check (e:MouseEvent):void {
check fields before sending request to php
if (login_username.text == "" || login_password.text == "") {
if username or password fields are empty set error messages
if (login_username.text == "") {
login_username.text = "Enter your username";
if (login_password.text == "") {
login_password.text = "Enter your password";
} else {
init function to process login
function to process our login
function login_process():void {
variables that we send to the php file
var phpVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
we create a URLRequest variable. This gets the php file path.
var phpFileRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("php/controlpanel.php");
this allows us to use the post function in php
phpFileRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
attach the php variables to the URLRequest
phpFileRequest.data = phpVars;
create a new loader to load and send our urlrequest
var phpLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
phpLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
phpLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, login_result);
now lets create the variables to send to the php file
phpVars.systemCall = "login_check";
phpVars.login_username = login_username.text;
phpVars.login_password = login_password.text;
this will start the communication between flash and php
function to show the result of the login
function login_result (event:Event):void {
this autosizes the text field
***** You will need to import flash's text classes. You can do this by:
import flash.text.*;
login_result_text.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
this gets the output and displays it in the result text field
if (event.target.data.login_result == "1") {
login_result_text.text = "Login In...";
login_result_text.text = "Username and password doesn't match.";
print "login_registration_status=1";
但送,我怎麼能發送陣列從PHP到AS3? 以及如何處理來自PHP或類似的東西(數組)。
這是同樣的事情'var1 = 1&var2 = 2',OP會想要類似'arr [] = 1&arr [] = 2',但我不知道AS3是否會正確解釋它... – jadkik94