// Returns index of the left-most bit of x that is one in the binary
// expansion of x. Assumes x > 0 since otherwise lambda(x) is undefined.
// Can be used to calculate floor(log(x, 2)), the number of binary digits
// of x, minus one.
int lambda(unsigned long x) {
double y = (double) x;
// Excuse the monstrocity below. I need to have a long that has the raw
// bits of x in data. Simply (long)y would yield x back since C would cast
// the double to a long. So we need to cast it to a (void *) so that C
// "forgets" what kind of data we are dealing with, and then cast it to
// long.
unsigned long xx = *((long *)((void*)&y));
// The first 52 bits are the the significant. The rest are the sign and
// exponent. Since the number is assumed to be positive, we don't have to
// worry about the sign bit being 1 and can simply extract the exponent by
// shifting right 52 bits. The exponent is in "excess-1023" format so we
// must subtract 1023 after.
return (int)(xx >> 52) - 1023;
// Returns the index of the right-most one bit in the binary expansion of x
int rho(unsigned long x) {
return lambda(x & -x);
請注意,您開始使用的「C/C++」代碼不起作用:它會打破嚴格的別名規則,即使中間轉換爲void *也是如此。只有大多數編譯器根據程序員的意圖生成代碼。在C中,'memcpy()'或聯合是訪問表示的合適方式。 –