我下面的TYPO3 6.2 Beta 3的但是在安裝工具抱怨安裝的第一步,在https://github.com/TYPO3/TYPO3.CMS/blob/master/INSTALL.md安裝說明(均爲錯誤):TYPO3 6.2 beta3版安裝抱怨鏈接
Path /index.php is not a link
The target /index.php should be a link, but is of type file. This can not be fixed. Please investigate.
Path /typo3 is not a link
The target /typo3 should be a link, but is of type dir. This can not be fixed. Please investigate.
/typo3_src should be a link, but it does not exist
Links can not be fixed by this system
PHP OpenSSL extension not working
Something went wrong while trying to create a new private key for testing. Please check the integration of the PHP OpenSSL extension and if it is installed correctly.
index.php -> ./typo3_src/index.php
typo3 -> ./typo3_src/typo3/
typo3_src -> ../typo3_src-6.2.0-beta3/
我經由訪問主機/ TYPO3 /運行安裝。這似乎鏈接應該沒問題,爲什麼安裝工具中的錯誤信息?
路徑它不會讓我用第二個語法說:沒有這樣的文件或目錄(鏈接創建過程中)。它似乎只會在./typo3/目錄中創建鏈接(不存在)。我也已經嘗試了第一種語法。 –