我有一個關於從Raspberry Pi到mcp3008的數據傳輸的問題。這只是一個理論上的問題。當它們交換字節時,主機發送1個字節並接收1個字節。然後發送第二個字節並接收第二個字節。或者,主機發送3個字節,然後接收3個字節。從我的理解來看,這是第一個,對嗎?數據傳輸Pi/MCP3008
我有一個關於從Raspberry Pi到mcp3008的數據傳輸的問題。這只是一個理論上的問題。當它們交換字節時,主機發送1個字節並接收1個字節。然後發送第二個字節並接收第二個字節。或者,主機發送3個字節,然後接收3個字節。從我的理解來看,這是第一個,對嗎?數據傳輸Pi/MCP3008
def read_adc(self, adc_number):
"""Read the current value of the specified ADC channel (0-7). The values
can range from 0 to 1023 (10-bits).
assert 0 <= adc_number <= 7, 'ADC number must be a value of 0-7!'
# Build a single channel read command.
# For example channel zero = 0b11000000
command = 0b11 << 6 # Start bit, single channel read
command |= (adc_number & 0x07) << 3 # Channel number (in 3 bits)
# Note the bottom 3 bits of command are 0, this is to account for the
# extra clock to do the conversion, and the low null bit returned at
# the start of the response.
resp = self._spi.transfer([command, 0x0, 0x0])
# Parse out the 10 bits of response data and return it.
result = (resp[0] & 0x01) << 9
result |= (resp[1] & 0xFF) << 1
result |= (resp[2] & 0x80) >> 7
return result & 0x3FF
resp = self._spi.transfer([command, 0x0, 0x0])
resp = self._spi.transfer([command, 0x0, 0x0])
# Parse out the 10 bits of response data and return it.
result = (resp[0] & 0x01) << 9
result |= (resp[1] & 0xFF) << 1
result |= (resp[2] & 0x80) >> 7