2014-02-20 19 views

IM使用primefaces數據表顯示在這裏我的數據 是我的代碼:着顯示靜態int變量在primefaces數據表

<p:dataTable id="tab6" var="comp" value="#{excelReport.report6}" rendered="#{excelReport.date != null}"> 
        <f:facet name="header"> 
         <h:outputText value="heading text"/> 
        <p:columnGroup type="header"> 
          <p:column headerText="Sr No" /> 
          <p:column headerText="Years" /> 
          <p:column headerText="Quarter no." /> 
          <p:column headerText="POL" /> 
          <p:column headerText="LPG" /> 
          <p:column headerText="AVIATION" /> 
          <p:column headerText="LUBES" /> 
          <p:column headerText="OTHERS" /> 
        <p:column><h:outputText value="#{comp.serialNo}" /> </p:column> 
        <p:column><h:outputText value="#{comp.quarterRange}" /></p:column> 
        <p:column><h:outputText value="#{comp.quarterNumber}" /></p:column> 
        <p:column><h:outputText value="#{comp.pol}" /></p:column> 
        <p:column><h:outputText value="#{comp.lpg}" /></p:column> 
        <p:column><h:outputText value="#{comp.aviation}" /></p:column> 
        <p:column><h:outputText value="#{comp.lubes}" /></p:column> 
        <p:column><h:outputText value="#{comp.others}" /></p:column>  
        <p:columnGroup type="footer"> 
          <p:column footerText="Total" colspan="3"/> 
          <p:column footerText="#{comp.polTotal}"/> 
          <p:column footerText="#{comp.lpgTotal}"/> 
          <p:column footerText="#{comp.aviationTotal}"/> 
          <p:column footerText="#{comp.lubesTotal}"/> 
          <p:column footerText="#{comp.othersTotal}"/> 

每一件事工作正常,除了我不會在我的頁腳行得到任何數據。 我想在我的footerText中顯示int類型的靜態變量。


package dao; 

import java.io.Serializable; 
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean; 
import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped; 

public class Excel_Target_Compliance implements Serializable { 

    public Excel_Target_Compliance() { 
    private String quarterRange; 
    private String quarterNumber; 
    private int pol; 
    private int lpg; 
    private int aviation; 
    private int lubes; 
    private int others; 
    private int serialNo; 
    static int polTotal; 
    static int lpgTotal; 
    static int aviationTotal; 
    static int lubesTotal; 
    static int othersTotal; 

    public static int getPolTotal() { 
     return polTotal; 

    public static int getLpgTotal() { 
     return lpgTotal; 

    public static int getAviationTotal() { 
     return aviationTotal; 

    public static int getLubesTotal() { 
     return lubesTotal; 

    public static int getOthersTotal() { 
     return othersTotal; 

    public int getSerialNo() { 
     return serialNo; 

    public void setSerialNo(int serialNo) { 
     this.serialNo = serialNo; 

    public String getQuarterRange() { 
     return quarterRange; 

    public void setQuarterRange(String quarterRange) { 
     this.quarterRange = quarterRange; 

    public String getQuarterNumber() { 
     return quarterNumber; 

    public void setQuarterNumber(String quarterNumber) { 
     this.quarterNumber = quarterNumber; 

    public int getPol() { 
     return pol; 

    public void setPol(int pol) { 
     polTotal = polTotal + pol; 
     this.pol = pol; 

    public int getLpg() { 
     return lpg; 

    public void setLpg(int lpg) { 
     lpgTotal = lpgTotal + lpg; 
     this.lpg = lpg; 

    public int getAviation() { 
     return aviation; 

    public void setAviation(int aviation) { 
     aviationTotal = aviationTotal + aviation; 
     this.aviation = aviation; 

    public int getLubes() { 
     return lubes; 

    public void setLubes(int lubes) { 
     lubesTotal = lubesTotal + lubes; 
     this.lubes = lubes; 

    public int getOthers() { 
     return others; 

    public void setOthers(int others) { 
     othersTotal = othersTotal + others; 
     this.others = others; 

哪裏是你的polTotal消氣? – Makky


在同一個豆上面我只是沒有顯示檢查againg我編輯了豆上面 – Sumit


發佈您的全班。 – Makky






public class ComplianceTable { 

    private List<ComplianceLine> lines; 

    public int getPolTotal() { 
     // ... go through all lines to get the total 

    // other methods currently represented as static fields 


public class ComplianceLine { 
    private int pol; 
    // ... other fields from Excel_Target_Compliance 


<p:dataTable value="#{complianceTable.lines}" ...> 

做得很好,但請注意,EL-3.0允許靜態引用(另請參閱:http://stackoverflow.com/a/3735006/785663) – mabi


@mabi有趣!謝謝。我不知道。 – LaurentG



public int getTotalPol(){ 
    return Bean.polTotal; 


<p:column footerText="#{comp.getTotalPol()}"/> 

您的變量未聲明爲「靜態」。 – mabi


@mabi是的。我正在使用這個非靜態變量來訪問靜態變量,即OP在頁面上需要的值。如果你檢查我的getter方法,我正在訪問OP的靜態變量。 – Adarsh


仍然沒有載入數據 – Sumit

public static int getPolTotal() { 
     return polTotal; 

你不能有一個getter靜態。 Primefaces視圖不會識別此。


public int getPolTotal() { 
     return polTotal; 

你仍然可以有variablestatic。 (private static int polTotal;