這裏我就不看其他的解決方案相比,2份分割問題: 的檔案 - * XML文件 和邏輯* .XML的人。
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set mydate=20131126
rem take each file name
for %%a in (Profile-*-*.xml) do (
rem take only data, split by dash and take second value
for /F "tokens=2 delims=-" %%f in ("%%a") do (
rem compare with 20131126
if %%f LSS %mydate% (
echo %%a>>txtfile.txt
rem Add processing of your files here
rem take each file name
for %%a in (Logic*_*_*.xml) do (
rem put the value in a local parameter
set filename=%%a
rem take only the last 14 to 4 letters
set filename=!filename:~-14,-4!
rem remove underscores
set filename=!filename:_=!
rem compare with 20131126
if !filename! LSS %mydate% (
echo %%a>>txtfile.txt
rem Add processing of your files here
在這個目錄中的例子是** ONLY **文件結構嗎?邏輯文件在日期部分之前總是有5個數字嗎? –