2017-07-17 61 views



#include <stdio.h> 

int isValid(int i, int j, int rows, int cols) { 
    if (i < 0 || i >= rows || j < 0 || j >= cols) 
     return 0; 
    return 1; 

void printpath(int path[1000][2]) { 
    int i = 0; 
    while (path[i][0] != -1) { 
     printf("(%d, %d) ", path[i][0], path[i][1]); 

void print_array_path(int path[1000][2], int array[100][100]) { 
    int i = 0; 
    while (path[i][0] != -1) { 
     printf("%d -> ", array[path[i][0]][path[i][1]]); 

int path_length(int path[1000][2]) { 
    int i = 0, s = 0; 
    while (path[i][0] != -1) { 
    return s-1; 
void add_path(int path[1000][2], int u, int v) { 
    int i = 0; 
    while (path[i][0] != -1) { 
    path[i][0] = u; // row 
    path[i][1] = v; // column 
int last_i(int path[1000][2], int s) { 
    int v; 
    v = path[s][0]; 
    //path[i-2][0] = -1; 
    return v; 
int last_j(int path[1000][2], int s) { 
    int u; 
    u = path[s][1]; 
    //path[i-2][1] = -1; 
    return u; 

int c1[4] = {1, 0, -1, 0}; 
int c2[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1}; 
int dfs(int visited[100][100], int array[100][100], int i, int j, int rows, int cols, int path[1000][2], int length) { 
    // 1. Take the current visited, along with the previous vertex, to create a unique 
    // list of visited vertices. 
    // 2. For every direction, check if it is valid. If valid, do dfs(visited, current, choice) 
    // 3. If all four directions are checked, with no valid choice, report the solution. 
    int s; 

    for (s=0; s<4; s++) { 
     if (isValid(i+c1[s], j+c2[s], rows, cols) && !(visited[i+c1[s]][j+c2[s]]) && (array[i][j] < array[i+c1[s]][j+c2[s]])) { 
      // TODO visited.add(current) 
      visited[i][j] = 1; 
      add_path(path, i+c1[s], j+c2[s]); 
      //printf("%d -> ", array[i+c1[s]][j+c2[s]]); 
      length += 1; 
      dfs(visited, array, i+c1[s], j+c2[s], rows, cols, path, length); 
     } else if (s==3) { 
      //visited[i+c1[s]][j+c2[s]] = 0; 
      //printf("end at %d, %d\n", i, j); 
      if ((last_i(path, i) == i) && (last_i(path, j) == j)){ 
       printf("%d ", length); 
       print_array_path(path, array); 
      length -= 1; 
      dfs(visited, array, last_i(path, i-1), last_j(path, i-1), rows, cols, path, length); 
      return path[i][0]; 

int main() { 
    int array[100][100]; 
    int rows, columns; 
    scanf("%d", &rows); 
    scanf("%d", &columns); 

    int i, j; 
    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { 
     for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) { 
      scanf("%d", &array[i][j]); 

    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { 
     for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) { 
      printf("%d ", array[i][j]); 
    int visited[100][100]; 
    for (i=0; i<rows; i++) { 
     for (j=0; j<columns; j++) { 
      visited[i][j] = 0; 
    int path[1000][2]; 
    for (i=0; i<1000; i++) { 
     for (j=0; j<2; j++) { 
      path[i][j] = -1; 
    path[0][1] = 0; 
    path[0][0] = 0; 
    int length = 0; 
    dfs(visited, array, 0, 0, rows, columns, path, length); 


基本上,它首先收集的輸入矩陣,並在第一個單元格開始(一旦我得到了整個事情的工作,它會通過每一個細胞移動) ,調用搜索功能,檢查相鄰單元是否有效,然後再次調用搜索。如果所有四個方向都被檢查過,它會回溯。當前路徑正在追蹤列表path。我的問題似乎主要在回溯部分。但是,我不知道如何前進。這段代碼目前幾乎沒有編譯,因爲我一直在嘗試這麼多不同的東西。在這一點上,我想吸一口氣,真正理解我想要做的事情。


5 5 
1 2 3 4 5 
16 17 18 19 6 
15 24 25 20 7 
14 23 22 21 8 
13 12 11 10 9 

表示一個5x5矩陣。預期的輸出將是25(25-> 24-> ... 2-> 1)。請讓我知道,如果任何其他信息會有所幫助。任何建議/提示將不勝感激!謝謝。



3 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 
3 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 
4 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 
9 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 
10 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 
8 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 
17 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 
20 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 
21 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 
21 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 
19 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 25 -> 
19 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 25 -> 
13 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 25 -> 
12 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 25 -> 
11 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 25 -> 
9 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 25 -> 
8 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 25 -> 
7 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 25 -> 
8 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 25 -> 
7 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 25 -> 
5 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 25 -> 
4 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 25 -> 
2 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 25 -> 
1 1 -> 16 -> 17 -> 24 -> 25 -> 18 -> 25 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 25 -> 23 -> 25 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 23 -> 15 -> 25 -> 



我覺得有你'isValid'功能一對夫婦的off-by-一個錯誤。 –


你是指整個if語句還是實際的函數?因爲我甚至沒有想過這是一個可能的問題......這四種情況中的任何一種都不會導致整個座標系無效? –


'i> rows' - >'i> = rows','j> cols' - >'j> = cols',這些都是問題之一。 – BLUEPIXY




#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdbool.h> 

#define MAX_LEN 1000 
#define SIZE  100 
#define EOP -1 //End Of Path 

typedef struct pos { 
    int r, c;//rows, columns 
} Pos; 

Pos EPOS = { EOP, EOP}; 

bool isValidPos(Pos pos, int rows, int cols) { 
    return 0 <= pos.r && pos.r < rows && 0 <= pos.c && pos.c < cols; 

bool isVisited(Pos pos, bool visited[SIZE][SIZE]){ 
    return visited[pos.r][pos.c]; 
/* unused 
void printPos(Pos pos){ 
    printf("(%d, %d)", pos.r, pos.c); 
void printpath(Pos path[]){ 
    while(path->r != EOP) 
int path_length(Pos path[]) { 
    int i = 0; 
    while((path++)->r != EOP) 
    return i; 
void add_path(Pos path[], Pos pos) { 
    while (path->r != EOP) 
    *path = pos; 
    path[1] = EPOS; 
int valueOf(Pos pos, int array[SIZE][SIZE]){ 
    return array[pos.r][pos.c]; 

void print_path(Pos path[], int array[SIZE][SIZE]){ 
    while(path->r != EOP) 
     printf("%d -> ", valueOf(*path++, array)); 

const Pos rpos[] = {{1,0},{0,1},{-1,0},{0,-1}};//relative position 

void dfs(bool visited[SIZE][SIZE], int array[SIZE][SIZE], Pos pos, int rows, int cols, Pos path[], int length){ 
    visited[pos.r][pos.c] = true; 
    int value = valueOf(pos, array); 
    bool CantAddPath = true; 

    for (int s = 0; s < sizeof(rpos)/sizeof(*rpos); s++){ 
     Pos movePos = { .r = pos.r + rpos[s].r, .c = pos.c + rpos[s].c}; 
     if(!isValidPos(movePos, rows, cols) || isVisited(movePos, visited) || value >= valueOf(movePos, array)) 

     CantAddPath = false; 
     path[length++] = pos;//add_path(path, pos);length++; 
     dfs(visited, array, movePos, rows, cols, path, length); 
     path[--length] = EPOS; 
     printf("%d ", length+1);//+1: current (last) postion 
     print_path(path, array); 
     printf("%d\n", value);//value of current (last) position 
    visited[pos.r][pos.c] = false; 

int main(void) { 
    int array[SIZE][SIZE]; 
    int rows, columns; 
    scanf("%d", &rows); 
    scanf("%d", &columns); 

    int i, j; 
    for(i = 0; i < rows; i++) 
     for(j = 0; j < columns; j++) 
      scanf("%d", &array[i][j]); 

    for(i = 0; i < rows; i++){ 
     for(j = 0; j < columns; j++) 
      printf("%2d ", array[i][j]); 
    bool visited[SIZE][SIZE] = {{ false }}; 

    Pos path[MAX_LEN]; 
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_LEN; i++){ 
     path[i] = EPOS; 

    Pos start = { 0, 0 }; 
    //path[0] = start;//Mismatch with `int length = 0;` 
    int length = 0; 
    dfs(visited, array, start, rows, columns, path, length); 

[DEMO](http://ideone.com/gqpnJa) – BLUEPIXY


真的很有幫助的例子,謝謝。我喜歡你如何試圖堅持我的代碼,它幫助我瞭解我的錯在哪裏 –