// rowKey variable defined below is the value of a row key extracted from a
// table of the db. There can be many rowKey values. (>100000).
String rowKey = "rowId_123123";
/* Once rowKey is extracted, then if another thread extracts the same
row from the table, then it should be put to wait. Object locking will
put all the threads to wait irrespective of the rowKey value which will
hinder performance. Interning the string will put it into the pool till
jvm execution.
我不知道你想什麼,在這裏實現,因爲同步和實習是兩個完全不同的概念。你能解釋你想解決什麼問題嗎? – Keppil 2015-04-05 12:14:27
字符串是不可變的。確切地說,你想如何同步一個? – CandiedOrange 2015-04-05 12:14:44
你如何期待我們猜測你在說什麼? – dasblinkenlight 2015-04-05 12:15:04