2013-07-17 52 views

我想了解這個JS功能: JS Fiddle Demo檢測文本輸入




//Example 17-7. Using the propertychange event to detect text input 
function forceToUpperCase(element) { 
    if (typeof element === "string") element = document.getElementById(element); 
    element.oninput = upcase; 
    element.onpropertychange = upcaseOnPropertyChange; 
    // Easy case: the handler for the input event 
    function upcase(event) { this.value = this.value.toUpperCase(); } 
    // Hard case: the handler for the propertychange event 
    function upcaseOnPropertyChange(event) { 
    var e = event || window.event; 
    // If the value property changed 
    if (e.propertyName === "value") { 
     // Remove onpropertychange handler to avoid recursion 
     this.onpropertychange = null; 
     // Change the value to all uppercase 
     this.value = this.value.toUpperCase(); 
     // And restore the original propertychange handler 
     this.onpropertychange = upcaseOnPropertyChange; 

請花時間縮進您的代碼。沒有人想讀這個爛攤子。如果你需要我們的幫助,至少讓我們儘可能愉快。 – meagar


請嘗試http://jsfiddle.net/arunpjohny/vP9kD/1/或http://jsfiddle.net/arunpjohny/vP9kD/2/ –


Tks Arun,這對我很有幫助。 – HattrickNZ




<input type="text" id="i0"> 

    window.onload = function() { 



嗨RobG,爲此,但不完全得到你的行爲。 – HattrickNZ


答案會向ID * i0 *的頁面添加一個元素,然後在頁面加載完成後調用* forceToUpperCase *函數。該函數將偵聽器添加到元素的* input *和* propertychange *事件。 – RobG

<!DOCTYPE html> 
     var element = document.getElementbyId(Java_C#); 
     function forceToUpperCase(element) { 
      if (typeof element === "string") element = document.getElementById(element);  
       element.oninput = upcase; 
       element.onpropertychange = upcaseOnPropertyChange; 
     // Easy case: the handler for the input event 

     function upcase(event) { this.value = this.value.toUpperCase(); } 
     // Hard case: the handler for the propertychange event 

     function upcaseOnPropertyChange(event) { 
     var e = event || window.event; 

     // If the value property changed 
     if (e.propertyName === "value") { 

     // Remove onpropertychange handler to avoid recursion 
     this.onpropertychange = null; 

     // Change the value to all uppercase 
     this.value = this.value.toUpperCase(); 

     // And restore the original propertychange handler 
     this.onpropertychange = upcaseOnPropertyChange; 
    <p id="Java_C#"> 
    Public static void main{} 

tks,但希望得到一個工作示例,我可以與Arun在上面完成的工作互動並看到工作。 – HattrickNZ


已解決@HattrickNZ – KING