我使用Javascript,我的應用程序發佈使用FB.ui和FB.api Facebook最近到,我收到一個郵件,內容如下:fb.api或fb.ui如何上傳照片
它看起來像你的應用程序,(...)可能正在發佈帶有預先填充的 字幕的照片。如果是這種情況,您將需要在接下來的幾天內刪除任何默認照片 字幕以避免限制。
提醒一下,根據Facebook平臺政策 ,這是不允許的,因爲我們希望應用發佈的故事代表用戶的 語音。你可以閱讀更多有關此政策: https://developers.facebook.com/policy/#integration
我使用該功能的波紋管,而現在,經過了這麼多的測試做,我實在無法理解其中的功能之一是問題。 我懷疑功能upload_foto
可能是問題,但我不確定,如果我不能使用javascript FB.api上傳照片,那我該怎麼做? 任何想法如何解決這個問題?
function postToWall(to_user_id, title1, url_to_picture, link_to_open) {
var control = document.getElementById("my_silverlight");
//this will publish a story to the specified user or page (post owner is the user not the page)
FB.ui({ method: 'feed',
name: title1,
display: 'iframe',
link: link_to_open,
description: 'Some description',
caption: 'Some caption',
picture: url_to_picture,
type: 'photo',
to: to_user_id
}, function (response) {
if (response && response.post_id) {
} else {
function postToPage(to_user_id, title1, url_to_picture, link_to_open) {
var control = document.getElementById("my_silverlight");
//this will publish a story to page if the user is the page's administrator (post owner will be the page itself)
method: 'feed',
name: title1,
display: 'iframe',
link: link_to_open,
description: 'Some description',
caption: 'Some caption',
picture: url_to_picture,
type: 'photo',
to: to_user_id,
from: to_user_id
}, function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {
} else {
function postToGroup_Event(to_profile_id, title1, mes, url_to_picture, link_to_open) {
var control = document.getElementById("my_silverlight");
//this will publish a story to a group or an event as the curent user
FB.api("/" + to_profile_id + "/feed", 'post', { name: title1, link: link_to_open, description: 'Some description', caption: 'Some caption', picture: url_to_picture, message: mes }, function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {
} else {
function upload_foto(from, to_profile_id, url_to_foto, mess, own_wall) {
var control = document.getElementById("my_silverlight");
//this will publish a foto with a message to a profile
FB.api(to_profile_id + '?fields=access_token', function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {
FB.api(to_profile_id + '/photos', 'post', { from: from, url: url_to_foto, message: mess, access_token: response.access_token }, function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {
control.content.PageName.update_post("success", response.post_id);
} else {
control.content.PageName.update_post("error", "");
} else {
control.content.PageName.update_post("error", "");
}, { scope: '' });