2015-06-11 61 views

在我的導航欄中,我有一個可滾動的下拉列表。一旦用戶將鼠標懸停在它上面,它就會出現,並且他可以上下滾動以選擇鏈接。 它適用於所有桌面瀏覽器,但在iPad上顯示下拉菜單後,它會卡住,用戶無法上下滾動。下拉菜單與滾動不工作在iPad上


VAR maxHeight = 400; $(功能(){

$(".dropdown > li").hover(function() { 

    var $container = $(this), 
     $list = $container.find("ul"), 
     $anchor = $container.find("a"), 
     height = $list.height() * 1.1,  // make sure there is enough room at the bottom 
     multiplier = height/maxHeight;  // needs to move faster if list is taller 

    // need to save height here so it can revert on mouseout    
    $container.data("origHeight", $container.height()); 

    // so it can retain it's rollover color all the while the dropdown is open 

    // make sure dropdown appears directly below parent list item  
      paddingTop: $container.data("origHeight") 

    // don't do any animation if list shorter than max 
    if (multiplier > 1) { 
       height: maxHeight, 
       overflow: "hidden" 
      .mousemove(function(e) { 
       var offset = $container.offset(); 
       var relativeY = ((e.pageY - offset.top) * multiplier) - ($container.data("origHeight") * multiplier); 
       if (relativeY > $container.data("origHeight")) { 
        $list.css("top", -relativeY + $container.data("origHeight")); 

}, function() { 

    var $el = $(this); 

    // put things back to normal 
     .css({ top: 0 }) 





的可能重複[JavaScript的 - 不觸發的iPad/iPhone mousemove事件](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14071285/javascript-mousemove-event-not- ipad-iphone) – twill



重複從JavaScript - mousemove event not triggered on iPad/iPhone

只需使用jquery.event.move。移動事件提供了一種在鼠標和觸控設備上設置 按下移動版本交互的簡單方法。所以你 不必擔心你的用戶有哪些設備。



對不起,但作爲完整的JS新手,你能給我更多的信息嗎?將非常gratefull! –


您需要從上面的鏈接中獲取圖書館並添加到您的網站(https://github.com/stephband/jquery.event.move/blob/master/js/jquery.event.move.js) - 然後替換 '.mousemove(function(e){// etc etc})' With '.bind('move',function(e){// etc etc})' – twill


謝謝,請試試看馬上! –