2011-05-15 12 views

這裏是我的一塊的Javascript:jQuery AJAX調用+ PHP:它是如何工作的?

    var twitter = 
     uid: '<?php echo $user['uid']; ?>', 
     twitter: '<?php echo $user['twitter']; ?>' 

     type: "POST",     // Using the POST method 
     url: "/ajax/social/pull/twitter",  // The file to call 
     data: twitter,     // Our data to pass 
     beforeSend: function(){ 
      $('#ajax-pull-twitter').html('<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="#"><img style="position: relative; top: 4px; left: 50%;" src="/www-static/assets/images/ajax-loader.gif"></a>'); 
     success: function(data) {   

    // YAHOO 
    var twitter = 
     uid: '<?php echo $user['uid']; ?>', 
     yahoo: '<?php echo $user['yahoo']; ?>' 

     type: "POST",     // Using the POST method 
     url: "/ajax/social/pull/yahoo",  // The file to call 
     data: twitter,     // Our data to pass 
     beforeSend: function(){ 
      $('#ajax-pull-twitter').html('<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="#"><img style="position: relative; top: 4px; left: 50%;" src="/www-static/assets/images/ajax-loader.gif"></a>'); 
     success: function(data) {   

    // FACEBOOK 
    var facebook = 
     uid: '<?php echo $user['uid']; ?>', 
     facebook: '<?php echo $user['facebook']; ?>' 

     type: "POST",     // Using the POST method 
     url: "/ajax/social/pull/facebook",  // The file to call 
     data: facebook,     // Our data to pass 
     beforeSend: function(){ 
      $('#ajax-pull-twitter').html('<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="#"><img style="position: relative; top: 4px; left: 50%;" src="/www-static/assets/images/ajax-loader.gif"></a>');    
     success: function(data) {   



it calls ajax twitter 
it calls ajax yahoo 
it calls ajax facebook 
* loading * 
lets say yahoo load first 
it loads result yahoo on $('#ajax-pull-yahoo') 
twitter load second 
it loads result twitter on $('#ajax-pull-twitter') 
then facebook last. 
it loads result twitter on $('#ajax-pull-twitter') 

it calls ajax twitter 
*loading and wait* 
it loads result twitter on $('#ajax-pull-twitter') 

it calls ajax yahoo 
*loading and wait* 
it loads result yahoo on $('#ajax-pull-yahoo') 

it calls ajax facebook 
*loading and wait*   
it loads result facebook on $('#ajax-pull-facebook') 



這只是一個評論,不相關的問題,但你定義了'var twitter = ...'兩次,一次在'// TWITTER'下並且在'// YAHOO'下再次定義# – 2011-05-15 15:08:55


@majid修復了我真正的代碼謝謝!是的,我愛了stackoverflow – 2011-05-15 15:17:34



A JAX是異步



asynchronous ca n被設置爲false並且可以變成同步的。通過傳遞額外的參數'async:false;' – 2011-05-15 15:04:14


@Shatki:但它不應該。 – SLaks 2011-05-15 15:04:42


@shakti shigh我們該怎麼做?不管怎樣,謝謝!只是問問。 – 2011-05-15 15:04:54


我想你可以利用一個回調鏈 - 這不是我的代碼,但我從之前的一個stackoverflow問題保存它。

$('#button').click(function() { 
var requestCallback = new MyRequestsCompleted({ 
    numRequest: 3 
    url: '/echo/html/', 
    success: function(data) { 
     requestCallback.addCallbackToQueue(true, function() { 
      alert('Im the first callback'); 
    url: '/echo/html/', 
    success: function(data) { 
     requestCallback.addCallbackToQueue(true, function() { 
      alert('Im the second callback'); 
    url: '/echo/html/', 
    success: function(data) { 
     requestCallback.addCallbackToQueue(true, function() { 
      alert('Im the third callback'); 


VAR MyRequestsCompleted =(函數(){ VAR numRequestToComplete, requestsCompleted, 回調, singleCallBack;

return function(options) { 
    if (!options) options = {}; 

    numRequestToComplete = options.numRequest || 0; 
    requestsCompleted = options.requestsCompleted || 0; 
    callBacks = []; 
    var fireCallbacks = function() { 
     alert("we're all complete"); 
     for (var i = 0; i < callBacks.length; i++) callBacks[i](); 
    if (options.singleCallback) callBacks.push(options.singleCallback); 

    this.addCallbackToQueue = function(isComplete, callback) { 
     if (isComplete) requestsCompleted++; 
     if (callback) callBacks.push(callback); 
     if (requestsCompleted == numRequestToComplete) fireCallbacks(); 
    this.requestComplete = function(isComplete) { 
     if (isComplete) requestsCompleted++; 
     if (requestsCompleted == numRequestToComplete) fireCallbacks(); 
    this.setCallback = function(callback) { 
