我已經安裝了Ruby 2.0與Windows Ruby安裝程序,解壓縮DevKit(DevKit-mingw64-64-4.7.2-20130224-1432-sfx.exe)到Program Files和跑無法正確自動生成Ruby DevKit配置文件
ruby dk.rb init
# This configuration file contains the absolute path locations of all
# installed Rubies to be enhanced to work with the DevKit. This config
# file is generated by the 'ruby dk.rb init' step and may be modified
# before running the 'ruby dk.rb install' step. To include any installed
# Rubies that were not automagically discovered, simply add a line below
# the triple hyphens with the absolute path to the Ruby root directory.
# Example:
# ---
# - C:/ruby19trunk
# - C:/ruby192dev
我也遇到同樣的問題。然而,如果你說的是真的,根據[開發工具包維基](https://github.com/oneclick),你已經將開發工具包解壓縮到一個空格**(Program Files)的目錄**中/ rubyinstaller /維基/開發,工具包)。 – 2013-06-17 12:38:13
如果你只是想安裝DevKit,而不是剃掉犛牛讓它自動生成'config.yml',你可以手動編輯'config.yml'來添加' - C:/ Ruby200' (或者你的安裝位置是什麼)'ruby dk.rb install'之前。 – Phrogz 2014-09-17 15:51:37