#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sys/wait.h>
using namespace std;
// Initializing counters for trapping
static int cc_counter = 0;
static int cz_counter = 0;
static int cq_counter = 0;
//Functions for trap signal handler
void cc_handler(int signo)
void cz_handler(int signo)
void cq_handler(int signo)
// Extern Declarations
using namespace std;
extern "C"
extern char **gettoks();
// Main Function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// local variables
int ii;
char **toks;
int retval;
// initialize local variables
ii = 0;
toks = NULL;
retval = 0;
char buf[1000];//Initialize of size for current working directory
string cmSTR;//String to hold input
int status;//Initialization of status for fork()
pid_t pid;//Declaration of pid
// main (infinite) loop
signal(SIGINT, cc_handler);// Traps Ctrl+C
signal(SIGTSTP, cz_handler);// Traps Ctrl+Z
signal(SIGQUIT, cq_handler);// Traps Ctrl+\
//prompt and show current working directory
cout <<("RS_SHELL:") << getcwd(buf,1000) << "\t";
getline(cin ,cmSTR);//read input from keyboard
// if else loop to switch based on command input
if(cmSTR == "ls")// if ls, then execute arguement
execl("/bin/ls", "ls", NULL);//System call to execute ls
else if(cmSTR == "exit")//if exit, then execute block of code
cout << "Ctrl C entered: " << ++cc_counter << "times"<< endl;
cout << "Ctrl Z entered: " << ++cz_counter << "times"<< endl;
cout << "Ctrl Back Slash entered: " << ++cq_counter << "times"<< endl;
else if(cmSTR == "guish")// if guish, execute guish shell
execvp("guish", NULL);
//if input is not any of previous commands then fork()
else if(cmSTR != "ls" && cmSTR != "exit" && cmSTR != "guish" && cmSTR != "\n")
pid = fork();
if (pid < 0)//Loop to fork parent and child process
fprintf(stderr, "Fork Failed");
else if (pid == 0)//Child process
execvp("guish", NULL);//system call to execute guish shell
else //Parent process
waitpid(-1, &status,0);
// get arguments
toks = gettoks();
if(toks[0] != NULL)
// simple loop to echo all arguments
for(ii=0; toks[ii] != NULL; ii++)
cout << "Argument " << ii << ": " << toks[ii] << endl;
if(!strcmp(toks[0], "exit"))
// return to calling environment
以外的if語句? – user2125805 2013-03-06 22:31:56
是的,我會傾向於'if(if)'之前的'fork()',而不是分別爲每個'if'個案分叉 - DRY(不要重複自己)是一個很好的座右銘。 – Simon 2013-03-07 09:39:16