我有一個切入點,用於建議在名爲Repository的接口中聲明的方法。但在運行時間方面不適用。我的切入點有什麼問題?以下Spring PointCut有什麼問題?
這裏是切入點: -
@Around("execution (* *..Repository+.save*(..))" + " && args(entity,..) && target(target)")
public Object cacheEvictOnSaveSingle(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint, Region entity,
RegionRepositoryCassandraImpl target) {
和存儲庫接口,如: -
public interface Repository<ENTITY extends Entity<IDENTITY>, IDENTITY extends Serializable, DATAOBJECT> {
* Find.
* @param id the id
* @return the t
public ENTITY find(IDENTITY id);
* Save.
* @param entity the entity
public void save(ENTITY entity);
* Save async.
* @param entity the entity
* @return the result set future
public ResultSetFuture saveAsync(ENTITY entity);
* Save.
* @param entity the entity
* @param batchStatement the batch statement
public void save(ENTITY entity, BatchStatement batchStatement);
* Save.
* @param entities the entities
public void save(List<ENTITY> entities);
* Save async.
* @param entities the entities
* @return the result set future
public ResultSetFuture saveAsync(List<ENTITY> entities);
* Save.
* @param entities the entities
* @param batchStatement the batch statement
public void save(List<ENTITY> entities, BatchStatement batchStatement);
* Delete.
* @param id the id
public void delete(IDENTITY id);
* Delete async.
* @param id the id
* @return the result set future
public ResultSetFuture deleteAsync(IDENTITY id);
* Delete.
* @param id the id
* @param batchStatement the batch statement
public void delete(IDENTITY id, BatchStatement batchStatement);
* Delete.
* @param ids the ids
public void delete(List<IDENTITY> ids);
* Delete async.
* @param ids the ids
* @return the result set future
public ResultSetFuture deleteAsync(List<IDENTITY> ids);
* Delete.
* @param ids the ids
* @param batchStatement the batch statement
public void delete(List<IDENTITY> ids, BatchStatement batchStatement);
這是一個抽象類中實現爲: -
public void save(ENTITY entity) {
BatchStatement batchStatement = new BatchStatement();
addEntityToSaveBatch(batchStatement, entity);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.byteobject.cloudsanthe.dbclient.repository.Repository#saveAsync(com.byteobject.cloudsanthe.dbclient.dto.compute.Entity)
public ResultSetFuture saveAsync(ENTITY entity) {
BatchStatement batchStatement = new BatchStatement();
addEntityToSaveBatch(batchStatement, entity);
return session.executeAsync(batchStatement);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.byteobject.cloudsanthe.dbclient.repository.Repository#save(com.byteobject.cloudsanthe.dbclient.dto.compute.Entity, com.datastax.driver.core.BatchStatement)
public void save(ENTITY entity, BatchStatement batchStatement) {
addEntityToSaveBatch(batchStatement, entity);
我類擴展上述抽象類: - 公共類RegionRepositoryCassandraImpl延伸EntityRepository <地區,UUID,RegionDO> \t \t器具RegionRepository { –
您是否在Spring AOP中使用基於CGLIB或JDK的代理? –