我的腳本設置爲根據表單中輸入的項目類型將表單響應表中的行復制到不同的工作表中。出於某種原因,它已經開始在表單中添加兩行(使用完全相同的時間戳創建副本 - 請參見下面的截圖)。它以前沒有這樣做過,而且還只是偶然發生,但經常發生。我的腳本或谷歌表格本身有問題嗎?爲什麼我的行在Google表格中追加兩次?
function onFormSubmit() {//Distributes Form Submissions to the appropriate sheets depending on format and audience whenever new submission is made
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var responseSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Item Request"); //points to form response sheet
var lastSub = responseSheet.getLastRow(); //retreives last row (assumed last submission)
//the following point to the cells within the last submission row
var tsCell = responseSheet.getRange(lastSub,1);
var lnCell = responseSheet.getRange(lastSub,2);
var fnCell = responseSheet.getRange(lastSub,3);
var lCardCell = responseSheet.getRange(lastSub,4);
var phoneCell = responseSheet.getRange(lastSub,5);
var audienceCell = responseSheet.getRange(lastSub,6);
var formatCell = responseSheet.getRange(lastSub,7);
var genreCell = responseSheet.getRange(lastSub,8);
var titleCell = responseSheet.getRange(lastSub,9);
var authorCell = responseSheet.getRange(lastSub,10);
var isbnCell = responseSheet.getRange(lastSub,11);
var pubCell = responseSheet.getRange(lastSub,12);
var staffCell = responseSheet.getRange(lastSub,13);
var notesCell = responseSheet.getRange(lastSub,14);
//the following retreive values from those cells
var tsVal = tsCell.getValue();
var lnVal = lnCell.getValue();
var fnVal = fnCell.getValue();
var lCardVal = lCardCell.getValue();
var phoneVal = phoneCell.getValue();
var audienceVal = audienceCell.getValue();
var formatVal = formatCell.getValue();
var genreVal = genreCell.getValue();
var titleVal = titleCell.getValue();
var authorVal = authorCell.getValue();
var isbnVal = isbnCell.getValue();
var pubVal = pubCell.getValue();
var staffVal = staffCell.getValue();
var notesVal = notesCell.getValue();
//***any other addtions will need to be reflected at the end of the if statement below
//the following if statement determines which sheet the response values will be copied to
//(see notes at the very bottom of the script for syntax help for future edits to the if statement)
if (audienceVal == "Spanish" || formatVal == "e-Book" || formatVal == "e-Audio") {
var selector = "Silvia";
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName(selector);
else if (audienceVal == "Juvenile") {
var selector = "Hannah Juv.";
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName(selector);
else if (audienceVal == "Young Adult") {
var selector = "Hannah YA";
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName(selector);
else if (formatVal == "DVD" || formatVal =="Blu-Ray") {
var selector = "Jacki DVDs";
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName(selector);
else {
var selector = "Jacki";
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName(selector);
}//end if
//=============================APPEND ROW===================
targetSheet.appendRow([tsVal,lnVal,fnVal,lCardVal,phoneVal,audienceVal,formatVal,genreVal,titleVal,authorVal,isbnVal,pubVal,staffVal,notesVal]); //***any aditions to the values above will need to be added here as well
var selectorCell = responseSheet.getRange(lastSub,15);
selectorCell.setValue(selector); //sends selector back to response sheet for clerical use
}//end onFormSubmit
function onEdit() {//copies edited items from individual selector sheets back onto main spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var actSheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var responseSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Item Request");
var actCell = actSheet.getActiveCell();
var actRow = actCell.getRow();
var actVal = actCell.getValue();
var actLoc = actCell.getA1Notation();
var last = actSheet.getLastRow();
var respLast = responseSheet.getLastRow();
var dataA = responseSheet.getRange(1, 1, respLast, 1).getValues(); //compiles an array of data found in column A through last row in response sheet
var tstamp1 = actSheet.getRange(actCell.getRow(), 1);
var tsVal1 = tstamp1.getValue();
var colEdit = actCell.getColumn();
if(actVal == "[email protected]" && colEdit == 17) {
for(i = 1; 1< dataA.length; i++){
if (dataA[i][0].toString() == tsVal1.toString()){
responseSheet.deleteRow(i + 1);
else if (colEdit == 15) { //checks the array to see if the edit was made to the "O" column
for (i = 1; i < dataA.length; i++) {//checking for timestamp match and copies entry
if (dataA[i][0].toString() == tsVal1.toString()) {
var toEdit = responseSheet.getRange(i + 1, 16);
else if (colEdit == 16) { // checks the array to see if the edit was made in the "P" column
for (i = 1; i < dataA.length; i++) {//checking for timestamp match and copies entry
if (dataA[i][0].toString() == tsVal1.toString()) {
var toEdit = responseSheet.getRange(i + 1, 17);
else {return;}
}//end onEdit
如果我正確理解你,如果被刪除的行通常是在頂部或靠近中間的較早的提交,它是否仍然有效? – Mara