Peek at the first character.
If it is ']',
If string does not start with ']C1' or ']e0' or ']d2' or ']Q3',
Not a GS1 barcode.
Consume the caracters.
Else if it is <GS>,
Consume character.
No symbology identifier, assume GS1.
While not end of input,
Read the first two digits.
If they are in the table of valid codes,
Look up the length of the AI-code.
Read the rest of the code.
Look up the length of the field.
If it is variable-length,
Read until the next <FNC1> or <GS>.
Read the rest if the field.
Peek at the next character.
If it is <FNC1> or <GS>, consume it.
Save the read field.
Error: Invalid AI
0111 -> Start Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI) Mode (special encodings).
0001, 0010, 0100, 1000 -> start numeric, alphanumeric, raw 8-bit, kanji encoded data.
0011 -> structured append (combine two or more QR Codes to one data-stream).
0101 -> FNC1 initial position.
1001 -> FNC1 other positions.
0000 -> End of stream (can be omitted if not enough space).
QR碼規範(ISO/IEC 18004)不幸的是費錢(210法郎)。雖然你可能會在網上找到一些海盜版本。
要創建GS1 QR代碼,你需要能夠在數據指定FNC1字符。庫應該識別「] Q3」前綴和GS字符,或允許您通過其他方法編寫FNC1令牌。
Write initial FNC1.
For each field,
Write the AI-code as decimal digits.
Write field data.
If the code is a variable-length field,
If not the last field,
Write FNC1 to terminate the field.
正如Terry Burton在評論中指出的那樣; GS1 QR碼中的FNC1符號可以按字母數字數據編碼爲%
要編碼(01) 04912345123459 (15) 970331 (30) 128 (10) ABC123
0101 - Initial FNC1, GS1 mode indicator
0001 - QR numeric mode
0000011101 - Data length (29)
<data bits for "01049123451234591597033130128">
0010 - QR alphanumeric mode
000001001 - Data length (9)
<data bits for "%10ABC123">
(來自ISO 18004實施例:2006規格)
GS1意味着很多事情。您對哪種格式和內容感興趣? zxing已經支持很多已經重新貼上「GS1條形碼」的內容。 –
@SeanOwen我不是指特殊的GS1 DataBars。我在說「GS1 QR」。要明白我的意思,打開Zint並在QR選擇GS-1數據模式下。 –
遊戲後期,但我會很感興趣的是瞭解postscriptbarcode的「輸出質量如此之好」。該庫生成的矢量圖形在適當縮放時可以保持完美的質量。 –