2015-11-07 44 views

如何在PHP中基於另一個數組對數組進行排序?我個人的這個名單,其實他們是1300 +的人......我只在這裏顯示22人:)如何排序基於從另一個數組在PHP中的數組?


Array ( 
    [0] => Array ([name] => Kay [site] => ex [rate] => 10) 
    [1] => Array ([name] => Kat [site] => ih [rate] => 9.7) 
    [2] => Array ([name] => Kate [site] => tp [rate] => 9) 
    [3] => Array ([name] => rina [site] => tc [rate] => 9.8) 
    [4] => Array ([name] => Katay [site] => cfnm [rate] => 6.8) 
    [5] => Array ([name] => teriay [site] => sn [rate] => 7.6) 
    [6] => Array ([name] => Kaay [site] => tla [rate] => 9.7) 
    [7] => Array ([name] => na Kay [site] => bsc [rate] => 9.5) 
    [8] => Array ([name] => qwerty [site] => tdp [rate] => 9.5) 
    [9] => Array ([name] => Katey [site] => hd [rate] => 9.4) 
    [10] => Array ([name] => Kat Kay [site] => ss [rate] => 9.2) 
    [11] => Array ([name] => ina Kay [site] => pv [rate] => 9.43) 
    [12] => Array ([name] => ina [site] => rat [rate] => 9.32) 
    [13] => Array ([name] => atay [site] => trw [rate] => 9.32) 
    [14] => Array ([name] => erina [site] => tlm [rate] => 9.43) 
    [15] => Array ([name] => Ky [site] => ol [rate] => 8.34) 
    [16] => Array ([name] => ikay [site] => tb [rate] => 7.34) 
    [17] => Array ([name] => jay [site] => ta [rate] => 6.5) 
    [18] => Array ([name] => saday [site] => hfy [rate] => 4.6) 
    [19] => Array ([name] => tarans [site] => sd [rate] => 6.54) 
    [20] => Array ([name] => dastw [site] => si [rate] => 6.4) 
    [21] => Array ([name] => dyr say [site] => ex [rate] => 7.6) 



Array ([0] => Array ([acronym] => exs [site_order] => 1) 
[1] => Array ([acronym] => ts [site_order] => 1) 
[2] => Array ([acronym] => ih [site_order] => 2) 
[3] => Array ([acronym] => tp [site_order] => 3) 
[4] => Array ([acronym] => tc [site_order] => 4) 
[5] => Array ([acronym] => cfnm [site_order] => 5) 
[6] => Array ([acronym] => sn [site_order] => 6) 
[7] => Array ([acronym] => tla [site_order] => 7) 
[8] => Array ([acronym] => bsc [site_order] => 8) 
[9] => Array ([acronym] => tdp [site_order] => 9) 
[10] => Array ([acronym] => lhd [site_order] => 10) 
[11] => Array ([acronym] => ss [site_order] => 11) 
[12] => Array ([acronym] => pov [site_order] => 12) 
[13] => Array ([acronym] => rat [site_order] => 13) 
[14] => Array ([acronym] => trw [site_order] => 14) 
[15] => Array ([acronym] => tgs [site_order] => 15) 
[16] => Array ([acronym] => tlm [site_order] => 16) 
[17] => Array ([acronym] => ol [site_order] => 17) 
[18] => Array ([acronym] => tb [site_order] => 18) 
[19] => Array ([acronym] => ta [site_order] => 19) 
[20] => Array ([acronym] => hfy [site_order] => 20) 
[21] => Array ([acronym] => sd [site_order] => 21) 
[22] => Array ([acronym] => si [site_order] => 22) 
[23] => Array ([acronym] => tse [site_order] => 23) 
[24] => Array ([acronym] => ih [site_order] => 24) 


$x = 0; 
$num = 0; 
foreach ($site as $item) { 
     foreach ($data as $person) 
      if($site[$num]['acronym'] == $persons['site'] && $x != 1) 
       echo 'name: '.$person['site'].'<br>'; 
       echo 'site: '.$person['name'].'<br>'; 
       echo '<br>'; 

     $x = 0; 


site: ex 
name: kay 
rate: 10 

site: tp 
name: kate 
rate: 9 

site: tc 
name: rina 
rate: 9.8 

site: ih 
name: kat 
rate: 9.7 

site: tla 
name: Kaay 
rate: 9.7 
and so on 

注意,我希望有一個條件,即: 環路人員命令由現場下單和訂單通過但每個站點循環只有一個人。

我知道這聽起來有點複雜,但請幫助我。我在這裏搜索了很多線程,與我有同樣的問題,但沒有運氣。 :'(


你能添加你想要的輸出嗎? – roullie


是的確定@roullie等一下 – xerwudjohn


@roullie你有什麼想法?請幫助我。嘿嘿,我已經編輯我的問題 – xerwudjohn




$already_printed = Array(); 
$total_of_people = count($people); 
// while there is someone that was not printed yet 
while(count($already_printed) < $total_of_people){ 
    // iterate thought each site 
    foreach($sites as $site){ 
     // take each person and its position in the array 
     foreach ($people as $i => $person){ 
      // if this i-th person was not printed yet 
      // and is related to this $site 
      if (! isset($already_printed[$i]) 
       && $person['site'] == $site['acronym']){ 
       // print this person 
       echo 'site: '.$person['site'].'<br>'; 
       echo 'name: '.$person['name'].'<br>'; 
       echo '<br>'; 
       // mark this i-th person as printed 
       $already_printed[$i] = true; 




是的,我認爲應該這樣做。但我認爲這個代碼foreach($ site爲$ site)'必須是'foreach($ site爲$ sites)'對嗎? – xerwudjohn


嘿芽@vitor你能解釋我是如何工作的嗎? '$ person = $ people [$ i];'是直接在上面的'persons = array()'上調用的嗎? – xerwudjohn


即時通訊在這裏有一個錯誤,它說'$ data = $ data [$ i]'未定義偏移量:1';' – xerwudjohn



$highest = array(); 

foreach ($data as $person) { 
    if (!array_key_exists($person['site'], $highest) || ($person['rate'] > $highest[$person['site']]['rate'])) { 
     $highest[$person['site']] = $person; 

foreach ($site as $item) { 
    if (array_key_exists($item['acronym'], $highest)) { 
     echo "site: {$highest[$item['acronym']]['site']}<br />name:{$highest[$item['acronym']]['name']}<br />rate:{$highest[$item['acronym']]['rate']}"; 



,但我想每個站點循環只顯示一個人。並且它必須按照速度順序排序@rawb – xerwudjohn


嗯,我在這裏有1300多個人,但它似乎並沒有顯示所有列表。呵呵。但我認爲我們到了那裏。 – xerwudjohn


這是我的理解,你只是想每個網站顯示最高評分的人,但無論哪種方式,這應該指向你在正確的方向!類似於上面的方法 - 我建議先按網站排序(在由網站索引的多維數組中),然後按照評級排序每個這些站點子數組,然後循環遍歷整個事物(當存在仍然有人離開)並回應你需要的東西。祝你好運,快樂的編碼! – rawb



foreach ($site as $item) { 
      $maxRate = 0; 
      $savePerson = array(); 
      foreach ($data as $person) 
       if($item['acronym'] == $girls['site'] && $person['site'] == $girls['site'] && $person['rate'] > $maxRate) 
        $maxRate = $person['rate']; 
        $savePerson = $person; 
        echo 'name: '.$savePerson['site'].'<br>'; 
        echo 'site: '.$savePerson['name'].'<br>'; 
        echo '<br>'; 

我並不確切地知道,如果你需要這個條件$人[「現場」] == $女孩[「現場」] ..如果你不能刪除它。那只是我的感覺。

btw:你沒有顯示$女孩陣列,所以我只是假設只是以前計算。我假設的$ data是你正在談論的$ persons數組。


對不起,女孩是人的陣列。我編輯了我的問題,以確保清楚。 :) – xerwudjohn
