2016-03-01 89 views



  1. 添加段落包含運行和文字
  2. 添加「連續」部分的文件
  3. 添加另一段,包含運行和文本
  4. 將文檔保存到文件

    WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.createPackage(); 
    // create new paragraph with a run containing text and add it to the document. 
    P paragraph1 = objectFactory.createP(); // create new paragraph 
    R run1 = objectFactory.createR(); // create new run 
    Text text1 = objectFactory.createText(); // create text 
    text1.setValue("This is text in paragraph 1 that should be located in section 1."); 
    run1.getContent().add(text1); // add text ton the run 
    paragraph1.getContent().add(run1); // add run to paragraph 
    wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(paragraph1); // add to main document part 
    // create new section and add it to the document 
    SectPr sectPr = objectFactory.createSectPr(); // create new section 
    SectPr.Type sectPrType = objectFactory.createSectPrType(); 
    sectPrType.setVal("continuous"); // "continuous" means no page break before section 
    wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(sectPr); // add section to document part 
    // proceed to create another paragraph with a run containing text. 
    P paragraph2= objectFactory.createP(); // create new paragraph 
    R run2 = objectFactory.createR(); // create new run 
    Text text2 = objectFactory.createText(); // create text 
    text2.setValue("This is text in paragraph 2 that should be located in section 2."); 
    run2.getContent().add(text2); // add text ton the run 
    paragraph2.getContent().add(run2); // add run to paragraph 
    wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(paragraph2); // add to main document part 
    wordMLPackage.save(new java.io.File("should contain_two_sections.docx")); // save 

創建的文件包含代碼中定義的段落。該部分可能丟失或者僅僅因爲通過文字處理器(即LibreOffice Writer或Microsoft Word)「正常」插入部分而不起作用。

我已經閱讀了Docx4J文檔,SO問題如this和GitHub倉庫中的Docx4J examples,但是我還沒有找到任何工作示例來添加所描述的功能。




爲了避免這樣的錯誤,你應該生成一個工作的Word的docx Java代碼,即使用docx4j Web應用程序,或助手外接程序。

