所以我在這裏有這個代碼,它基本上在Python中的圖表上運行Dijkstra的Algortihm,然後打印距離並移動它從開始到結束所需的距離。我的問題是,我無法弄清楚如何使用sys.argv將圖形導入爲.txt文件,並讓它讀取它並在其上運行算法。這裏是我的代碼,其中有一個圖形,開始'a'和結束'b'已經填入它。 (它應該工作)。Python:導入圖表
import sys
def shortestpath(graph,start,end,visited=[],distances={},predecessors={}):
"""Find the shortest path between start and end nodes in a graph"""
# we've found our end node, now find the path to it, and return
if start==end:
while end != None:
return distances[start], path[::-1]
# detect if it's the first time through, set current distance to zero
if not visited: distances[start]=0
# process neighbors as per algorithm, keep track of predecessors
for neighbor in graph[start]:
if neighbor not in visited:
neighbordist = distances.get(neighbor,sys.maxsize)
tentativedist = distances[start] + graph[start][neighbor]
if tentativedist < neighbordist:
distances[neighbor] = tentativedist
# neighbors processed, now mark the current node as visited
# finds the closest unvisited node to the start
unvisiteds = dict((k, distances.get(k,sys.maxsize)) for k in graph if k not in visited)
closestnode = min(unvisiteds, key=unvisiteds.get)
# now we can take the closest node and recurse, making it current
return shortestpath(graph,closestnode,end,visited,distances,predecessors)
if __name__ == "__main__":
graph = {'a': {'w': 14, 'x': 7, 'y': 9},
'b': {'w': 9, 'z': 6},
'w': {'a': 14, 'b': 9, 'y': 2},
'x': {'a': 7, 'y': 10, 'z': 15},
'y': {'a': 9, 'w': 2, 'x': 10, 'z': 11},
'z': {'b': 6, 'x': 15, 'y': 11}}
(20, ['a', 'y', 'w', 'b'])
{'a': {'b': 5, 'c': 8},
'b': {'a': 5, 'd': 6},
'c': {'a': 8, 'd': 2},
'd': {'b': 6, 'c': 2, 'e': 12, 'f': 2},
'e': {'d': 12, 'g': 3},
'f': {'d': 2, 'g': 7},
'g': {'e': 3, 'f':7}}
我只需要弄清楚如何使用sys.argv中導入,然後然後讓它代替.py中的圖形。此外,能夠使用sys.argv中定義一個起點和終點將是很好過,像在格式>蟒蛇file.py年底開始樣品的map.txt 凡
sys.argv[0] is file.py
sys.argv[1] is start
sys.argv[2] is end,
and sys.argv[3]
爲什麼要「使用sys.argv導入它」? – Bach
因此,用戶可以從他們自己的計算機導入任何圖形,而不必將其放入代碼中,然後運行它。 – nanowaffle
您可以使用'ast.literal_eval'從字符串中解析字典格式(存儲在我假設的文件中)。 – Aleph