2014-03-30 106 views

我想解析一行一行的BIND配置,但它不起作用。因爲BIND使用Java解析BIND DNS配置文件?

關鍵字1 KEY_NAME的結構{

1關鍵字 key_value ;



如何解析Java的ISC BIND DNS配置文件?


logging { 
    channel "default" { 
    file "C:\named\etc\default.log" versions 5 size 5m; 
    severity dynamic; 
    print-time yes; 
    print-severity yes; 
    print-category yes; 

    channel "general" { 
    severity dynamic; 
    file "C:\named\etc\general.log" versions 5 size 5m; 
    print-time yes; 
    print-severity yes; 
    print-category yes; 

category "default" { 
category "general" { 



 import java.io.BufferedReader; 
     import java.io.FileReader; 
     import java.io.IOException; 
     import java.util.StringTokenizer; 
     import java.util.regex.Matcher; 
     import java.util.regex.Pattern; 

     public class ScannerTest { 

      public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { 

       FileReader file = new FileReader("C:/named.conf"); 

       BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(file); 
       String line; 
       boolean isChannel = false; 
       while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { 

        if (line.length() <= 0) 
         continue; // skip empty line 
        if (line.charAt(0) == '#' | line.charAt(0) == '/') 
         continue; // skip comment line 

        if (isChannel) { 

         String endChannel = "};"; // end of block 
         String regexEndChannel = endChannel; 
         Pattern patternEndChannel = Pattern.compile(regexEndChannel); 
         Matcher matcherEndChannel = patternEndChannel.matcher(line); 

         if (matcherEndChannel.find() == false) { 

          // get the file name 
          String fileKey = "file"; 
          String regex = "\\b" + fileKey + "\\b"; 
          Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); 
          Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line); 

          while (matcher.find() == true) { 

           String fileName = null; 
           StringTokenizer channelToken = new StringTokenizer(line); 
           if (channelToken.hasMoreTokens()) 
            fileKey = channelToken.nextToken(); 
           if (channelToken.hasMoreTokens()) 
            fileName = channelToken.nextToken(); 
           // get the file name 
           System.out.println("file Name: " + fileName); 


          // get the severity name 
          String severityKey = "severity"; 
          // don't know why boundary the word "severity" with the \b 
          // but it still match the word print-severity 
          String regexseverity = "\\b" + severityKey + "\\b"; 
          Pattern patternseverity = Pattern.compile(regexseverity); 
          Matcher matcherseverity = patternseverity.matcher(line); 

          while (matcherseverity.find() == true) { 

           String severityName = null; 
           StringTokenizer channelToken = new StringTokenizer(line); 
           if (channelToken.hasMoreTokens()) 
            severityKey = channelToken.nextToken(); 
           if (channelToken.hasMoreTokens()) 
            severityName = channelToken.nextToken(); 
           // get the file name 
           System.out.println("severity Name: " + severityName); 


          // get the last things 
          // print-time no; 
          // print-severity yes; 
          // print-category yes; 

         } else { 

          isChannel = false; 

        String channelKey = "channel"; 
        String regex = "\\b" + channelKey + "\\b"; 
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); 
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line); 

        while (matcher.find() == true) { 

         isChannel = true; 
         String channelName = null; 
         StringTokenizer channelToken = new StringTokenizer(line); 
         if (channelToken.hasMoreTokens()) 
          channelKey = channelToken.nextToken(); 
         if (channelToken.hasMoreTokens()) 
          channelName = channelToken.nextToken(); 
         // get the channel name 
         System.out.println("Channel Name: " + channelName); 





我看不出有任何的Java代碼在這裏。 – EJP


@EJP謝謝,我添加了代碼。 – Tuan


好,它的問題是什麼,到底是什麼? – EJP


