2016-07-27 45 views


int * val = new int[11]; 
val[0] = 1; val[1] = 1; 
val[2] = 2; val[3] = 2; val[4] = 2; val[5] = 2; 
val[6] = 3; 
val[7] = 4; 
val[8] = 5; val[9] = 5; val[10] = 5; 

int * invalid = new int[2]; invalid[0] = 2; invalid[1] = 5; 


int * valid = new int[4]; 
valid[0] = 1; valid[1] = 1; 
valid[2] = 3; 
valid[3] = 4; 



'delete [] val'等被忽略爲了清晰起見 – SemtexB


可以使用另一個數組來存儲所需的值嗎? –


@BlackBird:你究竟是什麼意思?不要在我的示例中將所需的值存儲在另一個數組中? val會被部分複製到'valid'。 – SemtexB





#include <iostream> 
#include <algorithm> 
#include <iterator> 

int main() 
    const size_t N1 = 11; 
    const size_t N2 = 2; 
    int * val = new int[N1] { 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5 }; 
    int * invalid = new int[N2] { 2, 5 }; 
    int *valid = nullptr; 

    auto n = std::count_if(val, val + N1, 
          [=](int x) { return !std::binary_search(invalid, invalid + N2, x); }); 

    if (n) 
     valid = new int[n]; 

     std::copy_if(val, val + N1, valid, 
         [=](int x) { return !std::binary_search(invalid, invalid + N2, x); }); 

    if (valid) std::copy(valid, valid + n, std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " ")); 
    std::cout << std::endl; 

    return 0; 


1 1 3 4 

您可以使用標準算法std::binary search如果無效的數組有很多元素,或者你可以只寫lambda表達式像

[=](int x) { return x != invalid[0] && x != invalid[1]; } 


#include <iostream> 
#include <algorithm> 
#include <iterator> 

int main() 
    const size_t N1 = 11; 
    const size_t N2 = 2; 
    int * val = new int[N1] { 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5 }; 
    int * invalid = new int[N2] { 2, 5 }; 
    int *valid = nullptr; 

    auto is_valid_element = [=](int x) { return x != invalid[0] && x != invalid[1]; }; 
    auto n = std::count_if(val, val + N1, is_valid_element); 

    if (n) 
     valid = new int[n]; 

     std::copy_if(val, val + N1, valid, is_valid_element); 

    if (valid) std::copy(valid, valid + n, std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " ")); 
    std::cout << std::endl; 

    return 0; 

編譯器應支持C++ 2011


是否可以以某種方式存儲更改/刪除的值?假設我有第二個數組'float * val2 = new float [N1] {0.5,0.5,0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25,1,1,0.33,0.33,0.33}',我需要取消那裏的值因此,結果'float * valid2'的大小爲'n',結果值爲'{0.5,0.5,1,1}'? – SemtexB


@SemtexB我還沒有理解你的問題中描述的任務與評論中描述的任務之間有什麼區別。 –


我的意思是我有數組'val,val2,invalid,valid,valid2'。我運行上面的代碼,並讓我說'val [pos]'複製到'valid [validpos]',因爲'val [pos]'無效,另外我想'val2 [pos]'複製到'valid2 [ validpos]'。另一方面,如果'val [pos2]'無效,我不想複製'val2 [pos2]'。 – SemtexB



int i, j; 

j = 0; 
for (i=0; i < length(val); i++) { 
    if (val[i] != VALUE_TO_DELETE) { 
    val[j++] = val[i]; 
... now discard, or ignore, anything in "val" beyond element #j. 

我們只是通過遍歷數組,複製任何東西,是不是我們想甩掉的價值。 i是用於查找值的光標,並且j表示在何處放置它們。



int i, j, k; 
boolean delete_me; 

j = 0; 
for (i=0; i < length(val); i++) { 

    // search the "invalid" list to see if the number is in it 
    delete_me = false; 
    for (k = 0; k < length(invalid); k++) { 
    if (val[i] == invalid[k]) { 
     delete_me = true; 
     break;    // quit the loop as soon as we know ... 

    // copy what is NOT in it 
    if (!delete_me) {  // notice: "if NOT" ... 
    val[j++] = val[i]; 

'VALUE_TO_DELETE'是一個數組。 – Dutow


我不需要遍歷'invalid',這也是你的'VALUE_TO_DELETE'嗎? – SemtexB


是的,顯然是這樣。設置一個布爾標誌爲'false',迭代'invalid'列表,並且如果匹配,則將其設置爲'true'(並跳出循環)。然後,如果該標誌保持爲「假」,則應用所示的邏輯。 * Q.E.D. * –


如果同時進行排序,這只是一個簡單的O(N + M)算法:先從兩個數組在零索引處,並增加指向較小值的那一個。如果您增加了目標數組,請複製,除非它等於無效數組。

此外,由於您只是刪除項目,所以如果您不必保留原始數據,則可以避免一些副本:您可以保留一個計數器丟棄多少項目,並將其複製到currentIdx-discardedCount if discardedCount大於零。

#include <iostream> 
const int SIZE_1 = 11; 
const int SIZE_2 = 2; 

/*find out if item should be exclude from result array; this take linear time over the size of the invalids array*/ 

bool doNotInclude(int item, int invalids[], int size) 
    bool remove = false; 
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) 
     if(invalids[i] == item) 
      remove = true; 
    return remove; 

int main() { 

    //array of values 
    int * val = new int[SIZE_1] { 1, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 5 }; 

    //values to ignore 
    int * invalid = new int[SIZE_2] { 2, 5 }; 

    //result array 
    int *valid = new int[SIZE_1]; 

    //keep track of result array current index/ size 
    int currentIndex = 0; 

    /*check if elements of input array are in invalids, if not put them in the result array*/ 

    for(int i = 0; i < SIZE_1; i++) 
     if(!doNotInclude(val[i], invalid, SIZE_2)) 
      valid[currentIndex] = val[i]; 

    //print result 
    //currentIndex is now the size of the valid array 
    for(int n = 0; n < currentIndex; n++) 
     std::cout << valid[n] << ' '; 


做的這種方法是O(N * M)的陣列是否被排序或沒有。