我正在做的是用jQuery拉動GeoRSS feed,然後使用Leaflet在地圖上繪製位置點。不知何故,當使用Firefox或IE時,點不會被繪製出來? 這裏的網頁有問題:http://bit.ly/19N0I75
var map = L.mapbox.map('map', 'primitive.geography-class').setView([42, 22], 4);
var wordpressIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: 'http://www.shifting-sands.com/wp-content/themes/shiftingsands/images/icons/wordpress.png',
iconSize: [18, 18], // size of the icon
shadowSize: [0, 0], // size of the shadow
iconAnchor: [9, 9], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location
shadowAnchor: [0, 0], // the same for the shadow
popupAnchor: [0, 0] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor
$.get("http://shifting-sands.com/feed/", function (data) {
var $xml = $(data);
var $i = 0;
$xml.find("item").each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
item = {
title: $this.find("title").text(),
linkurl: $this.find("link").text(),
description: $this.find("description").text(),
pubDate: $this.find("pubDate").text(),
latitude: $this.find("lat").text(),
longitude: $this.find("long").text()
lat = item.latitude;
long = item.longitude;
title = item.title;
clickurl = item.linkurl;
//Get the url for the image.
var htmlString = '<h4><a href="' + clickurl + '" target="_blank">' + title + '</a></h4>';
var contentString = '<div id="content">' + htmlString + '</div>';
//Create a new marker position using the Leaflet API.
var rssmarker = L.marker([lat, long], {icon: wordpressIcon}).addTo(map);
//Create a new info window using the Google Maps API
rssmarker.bindPopup(contentString, {closeButton: true});
Works on firefox 24 - mac –
「LatLng對象無效」? – adeneo
「mapbox.js中的」錯誤:無效的LatLng對象:(,)「。作爲一個猜測,我會說在對象文字中的最後一個屬性之後有一個尾隨逗號。 –