Function IsInject(strCheck, boolForm)
IsInject = False
If Not boolForm And Len(strCheck) > 50 Then IsInject = True
' Dim sCmdList, arrCmds, i
If boolForm Then
sCmdList = "declare,varchar,convert,delete,create,is_srvrolemember,ar(,cast("
sCmdList = "update,union,select,drop,declare,varchar,convert,delete,create,is_srvrolemember,ar(,cast(,char("
End If
arrCmds = Split(sCmdList, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(arrCmds)
If Instr(UCase(CStr(strCheck)), UCase(arrCmds(i))) > 0 Then
IsInject = True
Exit For
End If
Erase arrCmds
End Function
Function CleanInject(strClean, boolInt)
If boolInt Then CleanInject = CInt(strClean) Else CleanInject = Replace(strClean, "'", "''")
End Function
'redirect user if specific IP
'Dim ipaddress, bFBIRedirect, sInjectType
bFBIRedirect = True
ipaddress = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
Select Case ipaddress
Case ""
Case Else
bFBIRedirect = False
End Select
If bFBIRedirect Then Response.Redirect "http://www.fbi.gov"
'Dim bIsInject, sHackString
bIsInject = False
If Not bInject Then
' Dim qsItm
For Each qsItm In Request.QueryString
If IsInject(Request.QueryString(qsItm), False) Then
bIsInject = True
sHackString = qsItm & "=" & Request.QueryString(qsItm)
sHackType = "QueryString"
sInjectType = "qs-" & Request.QueryString(qsItm)
Exit For
End If
End If
If Not bInject Then
' Dim frmItm
' For Each frmItm In Request.Form
' If IsInject(Request.Form(frmItm), True) Then
' bIsInject = True
' sHackString = Request.Form(frmItm)
' sHackString = frmItm & "=" & Request.Form(frmItm)
' sHackType = "Form"
' Exit For
' End If
' Next
End If
If bIsInject Then
Session("hacktype") = sHackType
Session("hackstr") = sHackString
Session("thepagefrom") = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")
Session("theip") = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
' Dim arrWhereAt, iWhereAt, sRedirect
arrWhereAt = Split(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO"), "/")
iWhereAt = UBound(arrWhereAt)
sRedirect = "unknownerror.asp?ip=" & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") & "&err=" & sInjectType & "&pg=" & Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")
If iWhereAt = 1 Then sRedirect = "../" & sRedirect
If iWhereAt = 2 Then sRedirect = "../../" & sRedirect
If iWhereAt = 3 Then sRedirect = "../../../" & sRedirect
Response.Redirect sRedirect
End If
**只需使用參數**。 – SLaks
這不會做任何事情來幫助xss攻擊。 – asawyer
你好帕雷恩,在這裏你只檢查了Querystring部分,我可以看到request.form部分被評論,所以這應該在我們發佈表單時檢查。你也可以檢查cookies數據。請讓我知道這對你有用。 –