2013-02-05 27 views



// Contructor etc 

public class LocationASYNC extends AsyncTask<Activity, String, Void> { 
    private MainActivity m; 
    private LocationManager locationManager; 
    private Criteria c; 

    public LocationASYNC(MainActivity m) { 
     this.m = m; 
     locationManager = (LocationManager) m 
     c = new Criteria(); 
       3000, 0, m); 

// Code for finding best location provider and returning location 
    private Location findBestLocation() { 

      Location location = locationManager 
        .getLastKnownLocation(locationManager.getBestProvider(c, true)); 

        "provider: " + locationManager.getBestProvider(c, true)); 
      // Check if location is null 
      if (location != null) { 
       Log.v("location", "provider not null"); 
       // Test if location is more than 100 seconds old 
       if (location.getTime() < (System.currentTimeMillis() - 100000)) { 
        Log.v("location", "provider is old(GPS)"); 
        // Use network if location is more than 100 seconds (99% chance 
        // location will be gps) 
        location = locationManager 
        // Check if network location is more then 100 seconds 
        Log.v("location", "provider: " + location.getProvider()); 
        if (location.getTime() < (System.currentTimeMillis() - 100000)) { 
         // Return null if all location data is old 
         Log.v("location", "provider is old (INT)"); 
         return null; 
       // Return location if one is less than 100 seconds old 
       return location; 
      // return null if no location is found 
      return null; 

This is the output i get from logcat: 

02-05 15:31:59.670: V/location(29659): provider: network 
02-05 15:31:59.675: V/location(29659): lat: 60.3935485 lon: 5.3114676 time: 1360074627953 acc: 28.757 
02-05 15:32:02.685: V/location(29659): provider: gps 
02-05 15:32:02.685: V/location(29659): provider not null 
02-05 15:32:02.685: V/location(29659): provider is old(GPS) 
02-05 15:32:02.690: V/location(29659): provider: network 
02-05 15:32:02.690: V/location(29659): lat: 60.3935485 lon: 5.3114676 time: 1360074627953 acc: 28.757 
02-05 15:32:05.700: V/location(29659): provider: gps 
02-05 15:32:05.700: V/location(29659): provider not null 
02-05 15:32:05.705: V/location(29659): provider is old(GPS) 
02-05 15:32:05.710: V/location(29659): provider: network 
02-05 15:32:05.710: V/location(29659): lat: 60.3935485 lon: 5.3114676 time: 1360074627953 acc: 28.757 
02-05 15:32:08.720: V/location(29659): provider: gps 
02-05 15:32:08.720: V/location(29659): provider not null 
02-05 15:32:08.720: V/location(29659): provider is old(GPS) 
02-05 15:32:08.725: V/location(29659): provider: network 
02-05 15:32:08.725: V/location(29659): provider is old (INT) 




你在用三星手機嗎? – Siddharth


你有答案嗎?我也有同樣的問題。 –


有沒有更新?你以前試過解決方案嗎? – Siddharth



