(I have set folder checksums to be lists containing checksums of its children,
only files have md5 checksum strings instead of lists)
Go through whole local tree and compare each node to all remote nodes
according to these rules:
if the local file and a remote file have same md5 sum
and one of those files is closer to todays date,
if the one file is local,
then delete remote file and upload local file.
then delete local file and download remote file.
if the local folder and a remote folder have same checksum
and one of those folders is closer to todays date,
if the one folder is local,
then ....
then ....
else the local file/folder does not match any remote file/folder checksum,
then ....
Go through whole remote tree and compare each node to all local nodes
according to these rules:
if the remote file/folder does not match any local file/folder checksum,
then ....
這似乎是你必須作出的決定。如果你不知道你想達到什麼,我認爲任何人都不能幫助你。 – fejese
我不明白你已經填寫的部分。如果校驗和匹配,爲什麼你會刪除並重新下載其中一個文件? – Blckknght
如果校驗和是相同的,我想保留最近修改過的那個。 – IndoNinja