2016-12-07 26 views





int chunkSize = System.BitConverter.ToInt32(strm, 40); 
int widx = 44; //wav data starts at the 44th byte 
//strm is a byte array of the wav file 
while(widx < strm.Length) 
    widx += chunkSize; 
    if(widx < 1000) 
     //log "data" or "100 97 116 97" for the subchunkid 
     //This is only getting printed the 1st time though. All prints after that are garbage 
     Debug.Log(strm[widx] + " " + strm[widx+1] + " " + strm[widx+2] + " " + strm[widx+3]); 
    if(widx + 8 < strm.Length) 
     widx += 4; 
     chunkSize = System.BitConverter.ToInt32(strm, widx); 
     widx += 4; 
     widx += 8; 

它非常含糊地提及它沒有運行/沒有工作。請提及您的例外情況,如有任何或任何有關錯誤的細節。 –


我確實提到過這些東西。我沒有看到第一個緩衝區中的「數據」,我的subchunk2size太小了。 – Thundercleez


你能解釋你如何期待數據被格式化嗎?從代碼它看起來像︰ 標題(40):chunksize(4):(數據塊大小):(:(4個字節的東西?):(新的塊大小):(數據塊大小):等... 是否正確? – meganaut





int chunkSize = System.BitConverter.ToInt32(strm, 40); 
int widx = 44; //wav data starts at the 44th byte 
//strm is a byte array of the wav file 
while(widx < strm.Length) 
    if(widx < 1000) 
     //log "data" or "100 97 116 97" for the subchunkid 
     //This is only getting printed the 1st time though. All prints after that are garbage 
     Debug.Log(strm[widx] + " " + strm[widx+1] + " " + strm[widx+2] + " " + strm[widx+3]); 
    widx += chunkSize; 

是的,我知道它只提到1,但我不確定是否可以有其他的塊。它看起來並不像它,因爲我也試圖搜索整個數據陣列中的另一個「數據」塊標識符,並找不到一個。但是我不明白爲什麼當文件爲36MB時subchunk2size只有26。它應該比這大得多。我想知道是否有錯誤的wav文件,因爲第一塊大小也是假的(我得到0xffffffff)。我使用ffmpeg來製作wav文件,所以我可能會錯過一個選項或其他東西? – Thundercleez


@Thundercleez這聽起來像文件可能已損壞。嘗試拔出ChunkSize(字節4 - 8)。它應該等於36 + SubChunk2Size。 – meganaut


它確實在該文檔的底部說過,WAV文件通常使用較舊的格式。遺憾的是舊格式的鏈接被打破。我認爲你應該看看數據中的文件,並確保一切都在你期望的位置。如果不是,可能會更好地搜索「數據」字(預期爲36-40),然後從那裏開始工作。 – meganaut


一個.wav-文件有3個大塊: 每個塊的大小4字節的

第一塊是「RIFF」 - 大塊。它包括8字節的文件大小(4字節)和格式名稱(4字節,通常是「WAVE」)。

下一個塊是「fmt」-chunk(塊名中的空間很重要)。它包括音頻格式(2字節),通道數量(2字節),採樣率(4字節),字節速率(4字節),塊對齊(2字節)以及每個採樣位數(2字節) 。




public sealed class WaveFile 
    private int fileSize; 
    private string format; 
    private int fmtChunkSize; 
    private int audioFormat; 
    private int numChannels; 
    private int sampleRate; 
    private int byteRate; 
    private int blockAlign; 
    private int bitsPerSample; 
    private int dataSize; 
    private int[][] data;//One array per channel 

    public int FileSize => fileSize; 
    public string Format => format; 
    public int FmtChunkSize => fmtChunkSize; 
    public int AudioFormat => audioFormat; 
    public int NumChannels => numChannels; 
    public int SampleRate => sampleRate; 
    public int ByteRate => byteRate; 
    public int BitsPerSample => bitsPerSample; 
    public int DataSize => dataSize; 
    public int[][] Data => data; 

    public WaveFile(string path) 
     FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(path); 
     LoadChunk(fs); //read RIFF Chunk 
     LoadChunk(fs); //read fmt Chunk 
     LoadChunk(fs); //read data Chunk 

    private void LoadChunk(FileStream fs) 
     ASCIIEncoding Encoder = new ASCIIEncoding(); 
     byte[] bChunkID = new byte[4]; 

     fs.Read(bChunkID, 0, 4); 
     string sChunkID = Encoder.GetString(bChunkID); 

     byte[] ChunkSize = new byte[4]; 

     fs.Read(ChunkSize, 0, 4); 

     if (sChunkID.Equals("RIFF")) 
      fileSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(ChunkSize, 0); 

      byte[] Format = new byte[4]; 
      fs.Read(Format, 0, 4); 
      this.format = Encoder.GetString(Format); 

     if (sChunkID.Equals("fmt ")) 
      fmtChunkSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(ChunkSize, 0); 
      byte[] audioFormat = new byte[2]; 
      fs.Read(audioFormat, 0, 2); 
      this.audioFormat = BitConverter.ToInt16(audioFormat, 0); 
      byte[] numChannels = new byte[2]; 
      fs.Read(numChannels, 0, 2); 
      this.numChannels = BitConverter.ToInt16(numChannels, 0); 
      byte[] sampleRate = new byte[4]; 
      fs.Read(sampleRate, 0, 4); 
      this.sampleRate = BitConverter.ToInt32(sampleRate, 0); 
      byte[] byteRate = new byte[4]; 
      fs.Read(byteRate, 0, 4); 
      this.byteRate = BitConverter.ToInt32(byteRate, 0); 
      byte[] blockAlign = new byte[2]; 
      fs.Read(blockAlign, 0, 2); 
      this.blockAlign = BitConverter.ToInt16(blockAlign, 0); 
      byte[] bitsPerSample = new byte[2]; 
      fs.Read(bitsPerSample, 0, 2); 
      this.bitsPerSample = BitConverter.ToInt16(bitsPerSample, 0); 

     if (sChunkID.Equals("data")) 
      dataSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(ChunkSize, 0); 
      data = new int[this.numChannels][]; 

      byte[] temp = new byte[dataSize]; 

      for (int i = 0; i < this.numChannels; i++) 
       data[i] = new int[this.dataSize/(numChannels * bitsPerSample/8)]; 

      for (int i = 0; i < data[0].Length; i++) 
       for (int j = 0; j < numChannels; j++) 
        if (fs.Read(temp, 0, blockAlign/numChannels) > 0) 
         if (blockAlign/numChannels == 2) 
         { data[j][i] = BitConverter.ToInt32(temp, 0); } 
         { data[j][i] = BitConverter.ToInt16(temp, 0); } 



using System; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Text; 
