-- Save hostname into a temporary variable
local tempMetaValue = hostname
local count = 0
local byte_char = string.byte(".")
for i = 1, #tempMetaValue do
if string.byte(tempMetaValue, i) == byte_char then
count = count + 1
local dotCount = count
-- If there was only one dot do nothing
if dotCount == 1 then
return 0
-- Check whether there were more than one dot
elseif dotCount == 2 then
-- Get the index of the first dot
local beginIndex = string.find(tempMetaValue,".",1,true)
-- Get the substring starting after the first dot
local domainMeta = string.sub(tempMetaValue,beginIndex+1)
-- Double check that the substring exists
if domainMeta ~= nil then
-- Populate the domain meta field
-- If there are more than two dots..
elseif dotCount > 2 then
-- Test to see if the hostname is actually an IP address
if tempMetaValue:match("%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?") then
-- Skip the rest if an IP address was found
-- Get the index of the second to last dot
local beginIndex = string.find(tempMetaValue,"\.[^\.]*\.[^\.]*$")
-- Get the substring starting after the second to last dot
local domainMeta = string.sub(tempMetaValue,beginIndex+1)
-- Double check that the substring exists
if domainMeta ~= nil then
-- Populate the domain meta field
我,雖然他的實力沒有得到最快可能的解決方案的感覺。 「一種感覺」,因爲在此之前,我在Lua中沒有任何經驗,但對於這樣一個簡單的任務似乎非常長。
如果你要求一般的「我怎樣才能讓我的代碼更好」的迴應,那麼這更適合https://codereview.stackexchange.com。只是爲了記錄。 – 2015-02-09 13:35:24
有關如何在lua中拆分字符串的方法,請參閱http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin – 2015-02-09 13:36:02