2011-07-13 81 views

ScalaTest有非常好的文檔,但他們很短,並沒有給出一個 驗收測試的例子。如何使用ScalaTest編寫驗收測試?



上的網頁http://www.scalatest.org/getting_started_with_feature_spec給出了一個驗收測試的例子。你在找什麼? – paradigmatic



使用Selenium 2可以獲得一定的里程數。我將Selenium 2 WebDriver與Selenium DSL的變體here結合使用。





* Copied from [[http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.lift/44563]], adjusting it to no longer be a trait that you need to mix in, 
* but an object that you can import, to ease scripting. 
* With this object's method imported, you can do things like: 
* {{"#whatever"}}: Select the element with ID "whatever" 
* {{".whatever"}}: Select the element with class "whatever" 
* {{"%//td/em"}}: Select the "em" element inside a "td" tag 
* {{":em"}}: Select the "em" element 
* {{"=whatever"}}: Select the element with the given link text 
object SeleniumDsl { 

    private def finder(c: Char): String => By = s => c match { 
    case '#' => By id s 
    case '.' => By className s 
    case '$' => By cssSelector s 
    case '%' => By xpath s 
    case ':' => By name s 
    case '=' => By linkText s 
    case '~' => By partialLinkText s 
    case _ => By tagName c + s 

    implicit def str2by(s: String): By = finder(s.charAt(0))(s.substring(1)) 

    implicit def by2El[T](t: T)(implicit conversion: (T) => By, driver: WebDriver): WebElement = driver/(conversion(t)) 

    implicit def el2Sel[T <% WebElement](el: T): Select = new Select(el) 

    class Searchable(sc: SearchContext) { 
    def /[T <% By](b: T): WebElement = sc.findElement(b) 

    def /?[T <% By](b: T): Box[WebElement] = tryo(sc.findElement(b)) 

    def /+[T <% By](b: T): Seq[WebElement] = sc.findElements(b) 

    implicit def scDsl[T <% SearchContext](sc: T): Searchable = new Searchable(sc) 
