<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HH_V2 id="HH_V2">
<iconsentlong />
# Load packages
# Convert xml file to list of lists
temp_list <- "dat.xml" %>% XML::xmlParse() %>% XML::xmlToList()
# Unlist and store content as a single column with row
# names for each variable in that node and the value of
# the variable in a single column.
for (j in 1:length(temp_list)) {
temp_list[[j]] <- temp_list[[j]] %>% unlist(recursive = TRUE) %>%
as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Each file is now a list of data frames comprised of
# 1 column of values and row names for each variable. So
# we bind these in order of their appearance in the list
# of data frames
temp_list <- do.call(rbind, temp_list)
# Since we want each row to be a column and each column
# to be a variable ('wide' format), we transpose the
# dataframe to produce a single row for each instance
# of the submitted form
t(temp_list) %>% as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
'as.data.frame(as.list(unlist(temp_list,recursive = TRUE)),stringsAsFactors = FALSE )'(在你未修改的'temp_list'上)做到這一點?小小的不便:一切都轉換爲字符,並且名稱以父節點名稱爲前綴,例如'「meta.instanceID」'您想要的地方''instanceID「' –
適用於玩具數據集,稍後對完整數據進行測試。小心解釋爲什麼這與我的代碼相比起作用?不便之處很好(沒有petiods''),並且可以保留子字符串。 – user3614648