我有一個看起來是這樣的功能...閱讀.csv文件,然後將其插入SQL SERVER - 缺少的東西
Dim iFileNo As Integer
Dim sLine As String
Dim sSQL_InsertPrefix As String
Dim sSQL As String
Dim vasFields As Variant
Dim iIndex As Long
iFileNo = FreeFile
'Open File
Open FileName For Input As #iFileNo
If EOF(iFileNo) Then
Exit Sub
End If
sSQL_InsertPrefix = "INSERT INTO temptable (Vendor, Invoice, Date1, Date2, HoldPayment, NetRedeemed, GlCode, ServiceName, SepCheck) VALUES ("
Do Until EOF(iFileNo)
Line Input #iFileNo, sLine
'Initialize SQL STRING
sSQL = sSQL_InsertPrefix
vasFields = Split(sLine, " , ")
For iIndex = 0 To UBound(vasFields) - 1
sSQL = sSQL & "'"
sSQL = sSQL & vasFields(iIndex)
sSQL = sSQL & "'"
sSQL = sSQL & ","
Next iIndex
sSQL = sSQL & "'"
sSQL = sSQL & vasFields(iIndex)
sSQL = sSQL & "'"
sSQL = sSQL & ")"
g_cn.Execute sSQL
Close #iFileNo
Line Input #iFileNo, sLine
vasFields = Split(sline," , ")
VasFie LDS它沒有被拆分
For iIndex = 0 to Ubound(vasFields) - 1
sSQL = sSQL & "'"
sSQL = sSQL & vasFields(iIndex)
sSQL = sSQL & "'"
sSQL = sSQL & ")"
Insert into temptable (x, y, z) Values ('123,XXX,456') <-- in which case it treats it as a single value aI believe and gives me an error that the number of insert field has to be equal to specified values
任何想法,爲什麼vasFields =拆分(SLINE的, 「」)沒有得到值是多少?
您確定在逗號分隔符前後有空格嗎?如果不是,我會刪除分割函數的第二個參數中的空格。 –