我們有一個Clojure Web應用程序,由多個項目(> 20)使用,它們有多個用戶同時登錄。所有項目都有自己的MySQL數據庫。我們試圖找出一種方法來使用一個應用程序實例來爲來自其項目數據庫的用戶請求提供服務。Clojure建立多個數據庫連接
(ns testmultiple.core
[clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc]
[compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET ANY routes context]]
[conman.core :as conman]
[mount.core :refer [defstate]]))
(def database-urls {:DB1 "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/DB1?user=DB1_user&password=DB1_password"
:DB2 "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/DB2?user=DB2_user&password=DB2_password"})
;; Connects to all databases in pool-specs
(defn connect!
(reduce merge (map (fn [pool-spec]
{(keyword (key pool-spec)) (conman/connect! {:jdbc-url (val pool-spec)})}) pool-specs)))
;; Disconnect from all databases in db-connections
(defn disconnect!
(map (fn [db] (conman/disconnect! (val db))) db-connections))
;; Establish connections to all databases
;; and store connections in *dbs*
(defstate ^:dynamic *dbs*
:start (connect!
:stop (disconnect! *dbs*))
;; Bind queries to *db* dynamic variable which is bound
;; to each clients database before executing queries
;; The queries file defines the query get-user which
;; returns user by user id
(def ^:dynamic *db* nil)
(conman/bind-connection *db* "sql/queries.sql")
; Define function that executes in current *db* binding
(defn getuser [id] (get-user {:id id}))
; Works, the user with Id 670 is returned from DB1
(with-bindings {#'*db* (:DB1 *dbs*)} (getuser 670))
; Works, the user with Id 670 is returned from DB2
(with-bindings {#'*db* (:DB2 *dbs*)} (getuser 670))
(defn serve-page1 [] (str "page1" (getuser 670)))
(defn serve-page2 [] (str "page2" (getuser 670)))
(def home-routes
(context "/:project" [project]
(if (contains? *dbs* (keyword project))
(GET "/page1" []
(with-bindings {#'*db* ((keyword project) *dbs*)}
(GET "/page2" []
(with-bindings {#'*db* ((keyword project) *dbs*)}
(ANY "*" [] (str "Project not found")))))
- 正在建立像這樣合理,穩定和可擴展的多個連接?
- 有沒有其他更好的方法來路由和動態綁定項目的數據庫?
謝謝你的迴應!我來自PHP,每次發出http請求時都會重新建立數據庫連接,因此長期持續連接的想法對我來說是新的。連接是否有任何風險?如果是這樣 - 它會自動重新建立還是必須進行監控?解釋如何建立和維護連接的任何鏈接都非常出色。 –