2016-03-06 40 views


#include <stdio.h> 

int main() { 
    /* variable definition: */ 

    int intValue, menuSelect, results; 
    float shrink; 

    intValue = 1; 
    // While a positive number 
    while (intValue > 0) {  
     printf("Enter a positive Integer\n: "); 
     scanf("%d", &intValue); 
      printf("Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, or 3 to divide input by 2, to end program enter a negative integer.\n: "); 
      scanf("%d", &menuSelect); 
      if (menuSelect == 1) { 
       // Call the Square Function 
       results = Square(intValue); 
       printf("Square of %d is %d\n", intValue, results); 
      } else 
      if (menuSelect == 2) { 
       // Call the Cube function 
       results = Cube(intValue); 
       printf("Cube of %d is %d\n", intValue, results); 
      } else 
      if (menuSelect == 3) { 
       // Call the Divisor function 
       results = Shrink (intValue); 
       printf("The quotient of %d is %d\n", intValue, results); 
      } else 
       printf("Invalid menu item, only 1, 2 or 3 is accepted\n"); 
    return 0; 

/* function returning the Square of a number */ 
int Square(int value) { 
    return value * value; 

/* function returning the Cube of a number */ 
int Cube(int value) { 
    return value * value * value; 

/* function returning the quotient of a number */ 
int Shrink(int value) { 
    return (double)value/2; 

嗯。 'Shrink'返回一個'int',對吧? – usr2564301


當你在調試器中完成這個任務時,你學到了什麼? –


你是如何將10.4除以2的? '10.4'不是'%d'的有效輸入,它不能存儲在'int'中。 – MikeCAT








int intValue,menuSelect,results;


的scanf( 「%d」,&的intValue);


int Shrink(int value) 
return (double)value/2; 



double Square(double value); 

/* function returning the Cube of a numnber */ 
double Cube(double value); 

/* function returning the quotient of a number */ 
double Shrink(double value); 

最後你得到了與縮進的一些基本問題,不用擔心它,你會得到它掛起不久 這裏有一個修正版本

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 

double Square(double value); 

/* function returning the Cube of a numnber */ 
double Cube(double value); 

/* function returning the quotient of a number */ 
double Shrink(double value); 

int main (void) 
    /* variable definition: */ 

    float numer_input,results; 
    int menuSelect; 
    //floatshrink; (no idea what this is) 

    numer_input = 1; //you could use a do while statement to avoid this 
    // While a positive number 
    while (numer_input> 0) 
     printf ("Enter a positive Integer\n: "); 
     scanf("%f", &numer_input); 

     printf ("Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, or 3 to divide input by 2, to end program enter a negative integer.\n: "); 
     scanf("%d", &menuSelect); 
     if (menuSelect == 1) 
     // Call the Square Function 
      results = Square(numer_input); 
      printf("Square of %f is %f\n",numer_input, results); 
     else if (menuSelect == 2) 
     // Call the Cube function 
      results = Cube(numer_input); 
      printf("Cube of %f is %f\n",numer_input, results); 
     else if (menuSelect == 3) 
     // Call the Divisor function 
      results = Shrink (numer_input); 
      printf("The quotient of %f is %f\n", numer_input, results); 
      printf("Invalid menu item, only 1, 2 or 3 is accepted\n"); 


    return 0; 

/* function returning the Square of a number */ 
double Square(double value){ 
    return value*value; 

/* function returning the Cube of a numnber */ 
double Cube(double value){ 
    return value*value*value; 

/* function returning the quotient of a number */ 
double Shrink(double value){ 
    return (double)value/2; 






#include <stdio.h> 

/* function returning the Square of a number */ 
int Square(int value) { 
    return value * value; 

/* function returning the Cube of a number */ 
int Cube(int value) { 
    return value * value * value; 

/* function returning the quotient of a number */ 
double Shrink(int value) { 
    return (double)value/2; 

int main() { 
    /* variable definition: */ 

    int intValue, menuSelect, results; 
    double shrink; 

    intValue = 1; 
    // While a positive number 
    while (intValue > 0) {  
     printf("Enter a positive Integer\n: "); 
     scanf("%d", &intValue); 
      printf("Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, or 3 to divide input by 2, to end program enter a negative integer.\n: "); 
      scanf("%d", &menuSelect); 
      if (menuSelect == 1) { 
       // Call the Square Function 
       results = Square(intValue); 
       printf("Square of %d is %d\n", intValue, results); 
      } else 
      if (menuSelect == 2) { 
       // Call the Cube function 
       results = Cube(intValue); 
       printf("Cube of %d is %d\n", intValue, results); 
      } else 
      if (menuSelect == 3) { 
       // Call the Divisor function 
       shrink = Shrink(intValue); 
       printf("The quotient of %d is %g\n", intValue, shrink); 
      } else { 
       printf("Invalid menu item, only 1, 2 or 3 is accepted\n"); 
    return 0; 