2017-02-12 106 views

我的Giphy API調用成功,但現在我試圖讓所有的圖像顯示而不是第一個。我確定在這裏需要一個循環,但我不確定如何/何時做到這一點。請參閱下面的我的HTML & jQuery代碼。在此先感謝您的時間!如何顯示所有Giphy API搜索結果圖像?


<h1>WEB 230 Final - Github Giphy API Search</h1> 

    <div class="outerWrapper"> 
     <p>Please record your query in the input box, select a rating from the drop down menu, and press the search button to view results.</p> 

      <input type="text" id="userQuery" value="Input your query here."> 
      <select id="rating"> 
       <option value="" selected>all</option> 
       <option value="y">y</option> 
       <option value="g">g</option> 
       <option value="pg">pg</option> 
       <option value="pg-13">pg-13</option> 
       <option value="r">r</option> 
      <button type="submit" id="searchButton">Search</button> 
      <input type="reset" id="resetButton" value="Reset"> 

      <img id="searchResults" src=""/> 


<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script> 

    <script type="text/javascript"> 

     // Allows page to load prior to running jQuery code. 

     // Ques function to run once searchButton is clicked. 
     $('#searchButton').on('click', function(){ 

      // Start to construct URL that will actually be utilized in the funtion by making individual variables (some of which are dynamic) that define the search criteria. 
      var api = 'http://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/search?q='; 

      // Assign variable for userQuery so it can be dynamically applied to the url. 
      var userInput = $('#userQuery').val().trim(); 
      // Convert input for a sucessful API call. 
      userInput = userInput.replace(/ /g, "+"); 

      // Set limit for maximum amount of search results displayed on one page. 
      var limit = '&limit=24'; 
      // Assign variable for userRating so it can be dynamically applied to the url. 
      var rating = $('#rating').val().trim(); 
      // Convert input for a sucessful API call. 
      rating = userRnput.replace(/ /g, "+"); 
      // API public key. 
      var key = '&api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC'; 

      // Create new variable called queryURL which pieces together all of the above variables. 
      var queryURL = api + userInput + key + limit /*+ rating */; 

      // Part 2 - Use AJAX to call GIPHY API (note that the .done() function waits for the API to respond) 
      $.ajax({url: queryURL, method: 'GET'}).done(function(response){ 

      // This is the API response data. It's a JSON object of 24 gifs 

      // For simplicity, we will take the first gif (ie. at postion 0) 
      var giphyURL = response.data[0].images.fixed_height.url; 

      // Plug image into html. 
      $('#searchResults').attr('src', giphyURL); 


      // Part 3 - Clear the Gif using the reset_button id (#) 
      $('#resetButton').on('click', function(){ 
      // Grab the img using the id and change the src to empty to remove the image 

      // If using a jQuery click listner on a Submit button, you need to return false to prevent the default page refresh 
      return false; 





var arrayStr = ["elem1", "elem2", "elem3"]; 


var x = arrayStr.length; 


for (var i = 0, i < arrayStr.length, i++) { 

Coolio!現在我們知道如何遍歷一個數組。考慮由giphy api返回的對象。你顯然已經知道如何到達第一個gif的網址。我們將使用這樣的循環:

for (var i = 0, i < response.data.length; i++) { 
    var giphyURL = response.data[i].images.fixed_height.url; 
    var newImg = $("<img>"); 
    newImg.attr("src", giphyURL); 
