2016-11-20 51 views

我想to type the redux store像這樣:const s:Store<S,A>=createStore (todoApp),但我得到打字店Redux的流量類型的

identifier Store ... Could not resolve name流量誤差



// flow-typed signature: ba132c96664f1a05288f3eb2272a3c35 
// flow-typed version: c4bbd91cfc/redux_v3.x.x/flow_>=v0.33.x 

declare module 'redux' { 


    S = State 
    A = Action 


    declare type Dispatch<A: { type: $Subtype<string> }> = (action: A) => A; 

    declare type MiddlewareAPI<S, A> = { 
    dispatch: Dispatch<A>; 
    getState(): S; 

    declare type Store<S, A> = { 
    // rewrite MiddlewareAPI members in order to get nicer error messages (intersections produce long messages) 
    dispatch: Dispatch<A>; 
    getState(): S; 
    subscribe(listener:() => void):() => void; 
    replaceReducer(nextReducer: Reducer<S, A>): void 

    declare type Reducer<S, A> = (state: S, action: A) => S; 

    declare type Middleware<S, A> = 
    (api: MiddlewareAPI<S, A>) => 
     (next: Dispatch<A>) => Dispatch<A>; 

    declare type StoreCreator<S, A> = { 
    (reducer: Reducer<S, A>, enhancer?: StoreEnhancer<S, A>): Store<S, A>; 
    (reducer: Reducer<S, A>, preloadedState: S, enhancer?: StoreEnhancer<S, A>): Store<S, A>; 

    declare type StoreEnhancer<S, A> = (next: StoreCreator<S, A>) => StoreCreator<S, A>; 

    declare function createStore<S, A>(reducer: Reducer<S, A>, enhancer?: StoreEnhancer<S, A>): Store<S, A>; 
    declare function createStore<S, A>(reducer: Reducer<S, A>, preloadedState: S, enhancer?: StoreEnhancer<S, A>): Store<S, A>; 

    declare function applyMiddleware<S, A>(...middlewares: Array<Middleware<S, A>>): StoreEnhancer<S, A>; 

    declare type ActionCreator<A, B> = (...args: Array<B>) => A; 
    declare type ActionCreators<K, A> = { [key: K]: ActionCreator<A, any> }; 

    declare function bindActionCreators<A, C: ActionCreator<A, any>>(actionCreator: C, dispatch: Dispatch<A>): C; 
    declare function bindActionCreators<A, K, C: ActionCreators<K, A>>(actionCreators: C, dispatch: Dispatch<A>): C; 

    declare function combineReducers<O: Object, A>(reducers: O): Reducer<$ObjMap<O, <S>(r: Reducer<S, any>) => S>, A>; 

    declare function compose<S, A>(...fns: Array<StoreEnhancer<S, A>>): Function; 

