我爲某些通用目的製作了一些通用工具(罐子)。 我的一些朋友希望使用這些實用程序。 我準備好分享我的東西(免費),但擔心他們不會進一步分發它。如何僅與選定的夥伴共享我的jar實用程序?
public class UtilityClass{
long secretCode = 7534759 ;
//a hardcoded long value (hardcoded by me for my friend)
//related to friend's Computer System which either
// don't changes untill he reformats his computer
// or is something like motherboard serial number or etc..etc...
long buddiesSystemSecretCode = getSecretCode() ;
if(!(buddiesSystemSecretCode == secretCode)){
System.exit(1) ;
private static long getSecretCode(){
long secretCode = 0 ;
//any java code to get friend's System hardware specific code
return secretCode ;