2012-12-01 34 views


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import numpy as np 
import scipy as sp 

def gauss_solve(A,b): 
    args: coefficient matrix A of dim(nxn) and vector b of dim(n) 
    of a system of linear equations with n unknowns. 
    note: no zeroes on the main diagonal of A allowed! 

    returns: vector x of dim(n) which solves the SLE 
    while np.ndim(A) != 2 or A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]: 
     A = input(["The matrix you entered is not square, specify new input matrix A: "]) 
# print "A ok." 
    while np.ndim(b) != 1 or A.shape[1] != b.shape[0]: 
     b = input(["The dimension of the constant vector b is incorrect, please specify new input vector b"]) 
# print "b ok." 
    if np.linalg.det(A) == 0: 
     return "This linear system doesn't have a single unique solution." 
# print "System does have solution: " 
    n = len(b) 
    for i in xrange(n): # create triangular matrix 
     if A[i,i] == 0: 
      return "This implementation doesn't allow A to have zero entries on the main diagonal." 
     A[i] = A[i]/float(A[i,i]) 
     b[i] = b[i]/float(A[i,i]) 
     for l in xrange(i+1,n): 
      A[l] -= A[i]*A[l,i] 
      b[l] -= b[i]*A[l,i] 
    r = np.zeros(n) # result 
    for i in xrange(n): 
     r[-(i+1)] = b[-(i+1)] - np.dot(r,A[-(i+1)]) 
    return r 

def test_gauss(): 
    m = 10 
    e = 0.1 
    A = sp.rand(m,m) 
# A,b = np.array([[e,1.],[1.,1.]]),np.array([1.,e]) 
    b = sp.rand(m) 
    print gauss_solve(A,b) 
    print "Build-in function says: \n", np.linalg.solve(A,b) 



A = [[e 1] [1 1]] 
b = [1 e] 

對於e != 1的解析解

x = [-1 e+1] 



在行'b [i] = b [i]/float(A [i,i])',你使用的是'A [i,i]'的* new *值,它總是是'1.0',這要感謝上一行。對於行'b [l] - = b [i] * A [l,i]'也是如此。 –


@NPE:我,作爲我,我自己;) – Michael


@Michael:LOL。我已經修復了格式。 :) – NPE




A[i] = A[i]/float(A[i,i]) 
b[i] = b[i]/float(A[i,i]) 


divisor = A[i,i] 
A[i] = A[i]/float(divisor) 
b[i] = b[i]/float(divisor) 



multiplier = A[l,i] 
A[l] -= A[i]*multiplier 
b[l] -= b[i]*multiplier 



布拉沃!非常感謝。我只是換了兩條線。但爲什麼內建函數解決()產生錯誤的結果,而_my_代碼錯了? – Michael


也適用。 :-) –


我錯過了你的問題的其他部分:在gauss_solve中,你修改了'A'和'b',所以當你用'linalg.solve'解決時,你傳遞了'A'和'你已經修改了。 –