我有一個小型測試程序,它嘗試使用boost :: random保存和恢復隨機數生成器的狀態,但它不像文檔表示。從升壓文檔:在boost :: random中正確保存/恢復RNG狀態意外行爲
類哪個型號的僞隨機數生成器也應效法可流傳送的概念,即實現operator < <和運營商>>。如果是這樣,運營商< <將僞隨機數發生器的所有當前狀態寫入給定的ostream,以便操作員>>可以在稍後恢復狀態。國家應以與平臺無關的方式編寫,但假定用於寫入和讀取的語言環境相同。具有恢復狀態的僞隨機數發生器和處於剛剛寫入狀態的原始數據發生器應該是等效的。
unsigned int s = static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(0));
//typedef boost::minstd_rand base_generator_type;
typedef boost::mt19937 base_generator_type;
base_generator_type randgen(s);
boost::uniform_01<base_generator_type> getrand(randgen);
//boost::normal_distribution<float> noise(0,1);
//boost::normal_distribution<float> > getrand(randgen, noise);
double numsbefore[2], numsrightafter[2], numsnew[4];
//generate a short sequence, save it, and display
numsbefore[0] = getrand();
numsbefore[1] = getrand();
cout << "First Sequence, before save: "
<< numsbefore[0] << " "
<< numsbefore[1] << endl;
//save the current RNG state to a file using the stream interface
std::ofstream rngfileout("test_rngfile.txt");
rngfileout << randgen;
//generate the next two numbers and display
numsrightafter[0] = getrand();
numsrightafter[1] = getrand();
cout << "Next, right after save: "
<< numsrightafter[0] << " "
<< numsrightafter[1] << endl;
//read in the RNG state that was saved, back into the RNG, restoring the state
//to be such as it was prior to the most recent two calls to randgen()
std::ifstream rngfilein("test_rngfile.txt", ifstream::in);
cout << "Couldn't read from file\n";
return 0;
rngfilein >> randgen;
//declare and initialize a new variate generator to the newly-restored generator
boost::uniform_01<base_generator_type> getrand2(randgen);
// boost::variate_generator<base_generator_type,
// boost::normal_distribution<float> > getrand2(randgen, noise);
//copy the new variate function into the old one, to allow us to use
//the old one on the restored generator
getrand = getrand2;
//generate the next sequence
//The first two should be the same as the most recent two called
//The next two should be new random numbers
numsnew[0] = getrand();
numsnew[1] = getrand();
numsnew[2] = getrand();
numsnew[3] = getrand();
cout << "Restored, Next: "
<< numsnew[0] << " "
<< numsnew[1] << " "
<< numsnew[2] << " "
<< numsnew[3] << endl;
第一個序列,前保存:0.970021 0.266862
接着,保存後右:0.110485 0.267466
恢復,接着:0.970021 0.266862 0.110485 0.267466
經過仔細檢查(調試)後,似乎對variate generator getrand()的調用完全不會改變生成器randgen
另外,getrand = getrand2