def thomas(a,b,c,d):
a= [1,3,1.5,4.5,4.5]
b= [-6,-4.5,-7.5,-7.5,-4.5]
c= [3,3,3,3,3]
d= [0,0,100,0,0]
n = len(b)
#print n # Used for debugging
# Test the size of a and c
if len(a) != n-1:
print ('Wrong index size for a.\n A should have an index of'), n-1, '\n
Your a has ', len(a)
if len(c) != n-1:
print ('Wrong index size for c.\n C should have an index of'), n-1, '\n
Your c has', len(c)
# Converting to float and appending 0.0 to c
for i in range(0,len(a)):
a[i] = float(a[i])
for i in range(0,len(b)):
b[i] = float(b[i])
for i in range(0,len(c)):
c[i] = float(c[i])
for i in range(0,len(d)):
d[i] = float(d[i])
c.append(0.0) # Hack to make the function to work
# Calculate p and q
p = []; q= []
p.append(c[0]/b[0]); q.append(d[0]/b[0])
for j in range(1,n):
pj = c[j]/(b[j] - a[j-1]* p[j-1])
qj = (d[j] - a[j-1]*q[j-1])/(b[j] - a[j-1]* p[j-1])
p.append(pj); q.append(qj)
#print p,q # Used for debugging the code!
# Back sub
x = []; x.append(q[n-1])
for j in range(n-2,-1,-1):
xj = q[j] - p[j]*x[0] # Value holder
x.insert(0,xj) # Building the list backwards
# Return the value
return x
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你的'exit'調用在'if'之外,並且始終執行 – Copperfield
Thx作爲響應,但即使沒有退出也不會發生任何事情...... –