2012-06-19 62 views


var tst = ctx.GetTable<DAL.Account>().Where(t => t.Sbank == "000134"); 


ctx.GetTable<Criteria.EntityType>().Where(LinqToSQLHelper.BuildWhereStatement(Criteria.StateBag), Criteria.StateBag.Values.ToArray()) 


//Stores a "Type" that indicates what Object is a Criteria for. 
public class AccountCriteria : IGeneratedCriteria 

    public Type EntityType 
     get {return typeof(DAL.Account);} 

//I have added a function to the DataContext called "GetTable" 
// And then used it as an example in a Console App to test its functionality. 
public class ADRPDataContext : NHibernateDataContext 

    public CodeSmith.Data.NHibernate.ITable<T> GetTable<T>() where T : EntityBase 
     var tb = new CodeSmith.Data.NHibernate.Table<T>(this); 
     return tb; 

// console application that uses DataContext.GetTable 
class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
     using (var ctx = new ADRPDataContext()) 
      var tst = ctx.GetTable<DAL.Account>().Where(t => t.Sbank == "000134"); 

//ExistsCommand class that uses the EntityType property of the Critera to generate the data. 
public class ExistsCommand 
    private IGeneratedCriteria Criteria { get; set; } 

    protected override void DataPortal_Execute() 
     using (var ctx = new DC.ADRPDataContext()) 
      //This was my first attempt but doesn't work becuase you can't pass a property in for a Type. 
      //But I can figure out how to write this so that it will work. 
      Result = ctx.GetTable<Criteria.EntityType>().Where(LinqToSQLHelper.BuildWhereStatement(Criteria.StateBag), Criteria.StateBag.Values.ToArray()).Count() > 0; 





public static Object CreateGenericListOfType(Type typeGenericWillBe) 
     //alternative to the followin: 
     //List<String> myList = new List<String>(3); 

     //build parameters for the generic's constructor (obviously this code wouldn't work if you had different constructors for each potential type) 
     object[] constructorArgs = new Object[1]; 
     constructorArgs[0] = 3; 

     //instantiate the generic. Same as calling the one line example (commented out) above. Results in a List<String> with 3 list items 
     Type genericListType = typeof(List<>); 
     Type[] typeArgs = { typeGenericWillBe }; 
     Type myNewGeneric = genericListType.MakeGenericType(typeArgs); 
     object GenericOfType = Activator.CreateInstance(myNewGeneric, constructorArgs); 

     return GenericOfType; 


List<String> Strings = (List<String>)InstantiateGenericTypeWithReflection.CreateGenericListOfType(typeof(String)); 

     //demonstrate the object is actually a List<String> and we can do stuff like use linq extensions (isn't a good use of linq but serves as example) 
     Console.WriteLine("item index 2 value: " + Strings.Where(strings => strings == "2").First()); 




// Create an abstract class to be used as the base for classes that are supported by 
// ExistsCommand and any other classes where you need a similar pattern 
public abstract class ExtendedCriteria<T> : IGeneratedCriteria 
    public ExistsCommand GetExistsCommand() 
     return new ExistsCommand<T>(this); 

// Make the non-generic ExistsCommand abstract 
public abstract class ExistsCommand 
    protected abstract void DataPortal_Execute(); 

// Create a generic sub-class of ExistsCommand with the type parameter used in the GetTable call 
// where you were previously trying to use the EntityType property 
public class ExistsCommand<T> : ExistsCommand 
    protected override void DataPortal_Execute() 
     using (var ctx = new DC.ADRPDataContext()) 
      Result = ctx.GetTable<T>().Where(LinqToSQLHelper.BuildWhereStatement(Criteria.StateBag), Criteria.StateBag.Values.ToArray()).Count() > 0; 


// Derive the AccountCriteria from ExtendedCriteria<T> with T the entity type 
public class AccountCriteria : ExtendedCriteria<DAL.Account> 