2012-03-27 33 views


// Problem 7:What is the 10 001st prime number? 

/*This program generates a list of prime numbers and uses the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find them. 
*This is done by crossing out multiples of the first known prime (2), taking the first number 
*not yet crossed out, and setting that as the next prime to "sieve" with. 

#include "stdafx.h" 
#include <iostream> 

using namespace std; 

int main() 
    int placeholder;     //added at the end to prevent window from closing 
    const int sieve_size = 10000;  //amount of #s to sieve through 
    const int solution_number = 10001; //# of primes to generate 
    long long solution;     //the 10 001st prime # 
    long long current_sieve;   //current # sieving with 
    int number_of_primes = 1;   //we know the first prime -- 2 
    long long *primes = new long long [number_of_primes]; 
    primes[0] = 2;     //2 is the first prime 
    bool flag_havePrime = 0;  //whether we have our next prime yet; used when saving a prime 
    bool sieve[sieve_size] = {0}; //0 is "could-be-prime" (not composite), 1 is composite. 
    sieve[0] = 1; //0 and 1 are not prime #s 
    sieve[1] = 1; 

    for (int i = 0; number_of_primes <= solution_number; i++) //each loop sieves with a different prime 
     current_sieve = primes[i]; 

     //This next loop sieves through the array starting with the square of the number we will sieve with, 
     //this optimizes the run time of the program. 
     for (long long j=current_sieve*current_sieve; j <= sieve_size; j++) 
      if (j%current_sieve == 0) sieve[j] = 1; 

     /*This loop gets our next prime by looking through the array until 
     *it encounters a number not crossed out yet. If it encounters a prime, 
     *it increments the number of primes, then saves the new prime into 
     *primes[]. It also prints that prime (for debugging purposes). 
     *The "for" loop ends when it finds a prime, which it knows by encountering 
     *the "havePrime" flag. This needs to be reset before every run. 

     for (long long j = primes[number_of_primes-1]+1; flag_havePrime == 0; j++) 
      if (sieve[j] == 0) 
       primes[number_of_primes-1] = j;    //because array counting starts @ 0 
       cout << primes[number_of_primes-1] << endl; //because array counting starts @ 0 
       flag_havePrime = 1; 
     flag_havePrime = 0; //resetting this flag 
    solution = primes[number_of_primes-1]; //because array counting starts @ 0 
    delete[] primes; 
    primes = 0; 

    cout << "The 10 001st prime number is:\n"; 
    cout << solution << endl; 
    cin >> placeholder; 
    return 0; 



const int sieve_size = 500000; 
long long *primes = new long long [solution_number]; 



只是說明:這不是Eratosthenes篩。你正在檢查每一個數字從p²開始爲p:if(j%current_sieve == 0)sieve [j] = 1;',這是審判分裂。 – 2012-03-27 03:33:36


@DanielFischer噢。有效。 :P你可以用其他方式檢查C++的可分性嗎?我知道有像9或11這樣的數字的可分性技巧,但對於更大的素數...... – 2012-03-27 03:47:11


當然,它的工作原理,它只是慢。 Eratosthenes的篩選技巧是根本不檢查可分性。你交叉的'p'的倍數,所以當你在篩子中找到一個素數'p'時,通過用'p'遞增索引來交叉倍數'for(mult = p * p; mult <= limit ; mult + = p)'。我闡述了不同程度[這裏](http://stackoverflow.com/a/8335325/1011995),[這裏](http://stackoverflow.com/a/8643410/1011995),如果你喜歡長時間閱讀,[這裏](http://stackoverflow.com/a/9704912/1011995)。 – 2012-03-27 10:38:37


int number_of_primes = 1;   //we know the first prime -- 2 
long long *primes = new long long [number_of_primes]; 




在代碼中還存在其他一些問題。主要的是你的篩子本身只有10,000個元素。篩的想法是,你需要大量的東西,並篩選出不匹配的東西。對於它的價值,10,001 st是105,000以下的觸摸,所以你的篩子應該至少是那麼大。


for (long long j=current_sieve*current_sieve; j <= sieve_size; j++) 
    if (j%current_sieve == 0) sieve[j] = 1; 


for (long long j = current_sieve * 2; j < sieve_size; j += current_sieve) 
    sieve[j] = 1; 

感謝您的快速回答!我會試試:) – 2012-03-27 03:25:03


是的,那也是。我更改了篩選大小以便更輕鬆地進行調試,並立即將其忘記。我認爲我的優化仍然有效,但效率不高......反正,我用我的新代碼更新了我的帖子。 – 2012-03-27 03:40:00


@ Ernest3.14,無論你從n^2而不是2n開始獲得什麼樣的改進(並且我不相信這個方法還能工作,但是我還沒有找到反例,所以你可能是對的)將會是完全被你的循環添加一個並檢查每個數字的事實抹殺。你可以只添加curr_sv而不檢查:'(a + 1)n = an + n'。 – paxdiablo 2012-03-27 03:45:39



#include <iostream> 
#include <vector> 
#include <string> 

using namespace std; 

int main() 
    const int sieve_size = 1 << 20; 
    const int solution_number = 10001; 
    int number_of_primes = 0; 
    vector<bool> sieve(sieve_size, true); 

    for (int i = 2; i < sieve_size; i++) 
     if (!sieve[i]) 

     if (++number_of_primes == solution_number) 
      cout << "The 10 001st prime number is:" << i << endl; 
      return 0; 

     for (long long j = i*2; j < sieve_size; j += i) 
      sieve[j] = false; 


The 10 001st prime number is:104743 

不是很好的形式發佈完整的作業或歐拉問題的解決方案,重點是在這些情況下_guide_,而不是爲他們做的工作:-) – paxdiablo 2012-03-27 03:37:53


@paxdiablo:說實話,更快地給他一個他的工作版本與反向工程他的解決方案進行比較。有總比沒有好。如果他在不明白的情況下逐字傳遞,他不會走得太遠。 – 2012-03-27 03:43:18


@ user1131467由於您只需要提交歐拉工程問題就可以解決問題,即使您的答案的最後一行,您的OP也足夠遠。 – 2012-03-27 14:37:24