class Groups
protected $_groups = array();
public function addGroup($name)
$this->_groups[] = $name;
public function doSomethingGroupy($cakes)
// get all the groups that have cake
return $cakeyGroups;
class GroupMapper
public function find($id, Groups $group)
// Mappy type things, maybe some sql
public function fetchByNeediness($cuddles, Groups $group)
// More mappy type things
public function save(Groups $groups)
// Saves
class AngryGroupMapper
public function find($id, Groups $group)
// Something similar but with other tables and joins
public function fetchByRage($anger, Groups $group)
// Something new but only needed here
public function isEditable(Groups $groups)
// Do some querying
return $bool;
現在我知道目標是瘦控制器 - 高脂模型,所以我還會有一個模型映射映射器(這麼說)示範?
class FatModelRepository
public function getHappyGroups()
$mapper = new GroupMapper();
return $mapper->fetchByNeediness('Puffy Shoes', new Groups());
public function getSadGroups()
$mapper = new AngryGroupMapper();
return $mapper->fetchByRage('Aghh!', new Groups());
public function save(Groups $groups)
$mapper = new GroupMapper();
return $mapper->save($groups);
如果「組」是包含「組」對象的集合,那些模型本身需要依賴映射,該怎麼辦?你是否需要將它們從組中分離出來,通過Mapper傳遞給它們,然後將它們重新附加到集合中?這是否意味着客戶/控制者需要Mappers的知識? – gawpertron 2010-11-19 20:20:31
您的'FatModel'被稱爲存儲庫。這裏有一個很好的解釋:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dd569757.aspx#id0400058 – rojoca 2010-11-19 23:08:07
你爲什麼?設計它以滿足您的需求。我不會使用回購作爲緩存。將緩存放在數據映射器上。 – rojoca 2010-11-21 05:59:23