2016-06-10 55 views




matrix: { 

    { name: 'Mike', number: 'b1', level: 0 }, 
    { name: 'Tom', number: 'b2', level: 0 }, 




轉問這個問題:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7431268/how-to-read-data-from-csv-file-using-javascript – Oshadha


就像大家說[在你以前的問題](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37752811/extract-fields-from-object),對象不應該有重複的鍵。也許你想要一個對象數組。 'matrix = [{name:'Mike',number:'b1',level:0},{name:'Tom',number:'b2',level:0},...]'。您也可以考慮將名稱用作其他屬性的關鍵字(例如'matrix.Mike = {number:'b1',level:0}')。 –


@MikeC:是的,你說得對。我喜歡你的想法。你能告訴我怎麼做?謝謝! – George



我打算假設您已經加載了CSV數據。如果不是,you can refer to this question關於如何將數據加載到您的應用程序。


var csv = 'name,number,level\n' + 
      'Mike,b1,0\n' + 

// Split the data into individual lines by splitting on the line break 
var lines = csv.split('\n'); 

// I'm going to store the column names so I can use them to automatically get each value 
// Note that I also removed the columns from the `lines` array so it won't be there when we go through it 
var columns = lines.shift(); 

// Make sure we split on the commas 
columns = columns.split(','); 

// Create an array for us to store the objects in 
var matrix = []; 

// Next, we begin processing each line 
for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { 
    var line = lines[i]; 
    // Each value is separated by a comma. Split the line on those commas 
    var values = line.split(','); 
    // Now we create a new object that we'll store each value in 
    var obj = {}; 
    // Remember that `columns` array? We're going to use that to generate our keys 
    for (var j = 0, numOfColumns = columns.length; j < numOfColumns; j++) { 
    // This is going to be 'name', 'number', and 'level' 
    var column = columns[j]; 
    // Here is where we extract the matching value 
    var value = values[j]; 
    // Now we add a new property to that new object using the `column` as the key 
    // and the `value` as, well, the value 
    obj[column] = value; 
    // The object has been generated, add it to the array 

// Display the complete array 
document.querySelector('pre').innerText = JSON.stringify(matrix, null, 2);


:好的,很好!關於使用名稱作爲其他屬性的關鍵字(例如matrix.Mike = {number:'b1',level:0})? (upvoted) – George


@George這不難推斷。你把'矩陣'作爲一個對象('var matrix = {}'),你做'矩陣[values [0]] = obj'。 'values [0]'是名字,所以你只需要添加一個新的屬性到'矩陣'來匹配這個名字。 –


:好的,正確的。我怎樣才能使用類似'matrix.name'或'matrix.number'並給我結果? – George