Can't call method "toString" without a package or object reference at JobClass.pm line 52, <JOBFILE> line 5. (which is $item->toString(); in the foreach loop)
$VAR1 = bless({
'ImportID' => '22',
'ImportTableID' => '1234',
'ImportTable' => 'testImport'
}, 'PostJob');
my $postJob = PostJob->new(ImportTable => "testImport",ImportTableID => "1234", ImportID => "22"); my @postJobs =""; push (@postJobs,$postJob); $postJob->toString(); #this works fine my $job = Job->new(DirectoryName => "testDir",StagingTableName => "stageTable", QBStagingTableID => "5678",postProcessJobs => \@postJobs); $job->toString(); #Breaks with error above
package PostJob; use Moose; use strict; use Data::Dumper; has 'ImportTable' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 1); has 'ImportTableID' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 1); has 'ImportID' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 1); sub toString { # Print all the values my $self = shift;; print "Table Name for Post Job is ".$self->ImportTable."\n"; print "Table ID for Post Job is ".$self->ImportTableID."\n"; print "Import ID for Post Job is ".$self->ImportID."\n"; } package Job; use strict; use Data::Dumper; use Moose; has 'DirectoryName' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 1); has 'StagingTableName' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 1); has 'StagingTableID' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 1); has 'postProcessJobs'=> (isa => 'ArrayRef', is => 'rw', required => 0); sub addPostJob { my ($self,$postJob) = @_; push(@{$self->postProcessJobs()},$postJob); } sub toString { # Print all the values. my $self = shift; print "DUMPING JOB OBJECT CONTENTS*****************************\n"; print "Directory is ".$self->DirectoryName."\n"; print "Staging Table is ".$self->StagingTableName."\n"; print "Staging Table ID is ".$self->StagingTableID."\n"; print "DUMPING POST JOB CONTENTS*****************************\n"; foreach my $item (@{$self->postProcessJobs()}) { $item->toString(); print Dumper($item); } print "END DUMPING JOBS*****************************\n"; } 1;
太棒了!謝謝!那麼確定一個數組是否爲空並且在perl中沒有元素的正確方法是什麼? – glacierDiscomfort
@glacier不舒服:如果你正在聲明它,'my'本身會將數組創建爲空。如果要清除數組,請使用'undef @ array'或'@array =()'(分配內存)。 – choroba
非常感謝你! – glacierDiscomfort