我將我的項目與media-control-deskband進行了比較,並嘗試了一些東西(我的項目中的COMInterop文件,比較代碼等) 但是找不到原因,猜測是因爲實施錯誤。
/// <summary>
/// Gets information about a band object.
/// </summary>
public interface IDeskBand : IDockingWindow
/// <summary>
/// Gets state information for a band object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dwBandID">The identifier of the band, assigned by the container. The band object can retain this value if it is required.</param>
/// <param name="dwViewMode">The view mode of the band object. One of the following values: DBIF_VIEWMODE_NORMAL, DBIF_VIEWMODE_VERTICAL, DBIF_VIEWMODE_FLOATING, DBIF_VIEWMODE_TRANSPARENT.</param>
/// <param name="pdbi">Pointer to a DESKBANDINFO structure that receives the band information for the object. The dwMask member of this structure indicates the specific information that is being requested.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
int GetBandInfo(UInt32 dwBandID, DeskBandInfoViewMode dwViewMode, ref DESKBANDINFO pdbi);
/// <summary>
/// Exposes methods to enable and query translucency effects in a deskband object.
/// </summary>
public interface IDeskBand2 : IDeskBand
/// <summary>
/// Indicates the deskband's ability to be displayed as translucent.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pfCanRenderComposited">When this method returns, contains a BOOL indicating ability.</param>
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.</returns>
int CanRenderComposited(out bool pfCanRenderComposited);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the composition state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pfCompositionEnabled">When this method returns, contains a BOOL that indicates state.</param>
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.</returns>
int GetCompositionState(out bool pfCompositionEnabled);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the composition state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fCompositionEnabled">TRUE to enable the composition state; otherwise, FALSE.</param>
/// <returns>If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.</returns>
int SetCompositionState(bool fCompositionEnabled);
/// <summary>
/// Basic class for a DeskBand object
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// [Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")]
/// [DeskBandInfo("Beispiel Erweiterung", "Diese ist eine Beispiel Erweiterung für die Taskleiste.")]
/// public class SampleExtension : DeskBand
/// { /*...*/ }
/// </example>
public class DeskBand : UserControl, IDeskBand2
#region Constants
private const int S_OK = 0;
private const int E_NOTIMPL = unchecked((int)0x80004001);
#region Properties
/// <summary>
/// Title of the band object, displayed by default on the left or top of the object.
/// </summary>
public String Title { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Minimum size of the band object. Default value of -1 sets no minimum constraint.
/// </summary>
[DefaultValue(typeof(Size), "-1,-1")]
public Size MinSize { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Maximum size of the band object. Default value of -1 sets no maximum constraint.
/// </summary>
[DefaultValue(typeof(Size), "-1,-1")]
public Size MaxSize { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Minimum vertical size of the band object. Default value of -1 sets no maximum constraint. (Used when the taskbar is aligned horinzortal.)
/// </summary>
[DefaultValue(typeof(Size), "-1,-1")]
public Size MinSizeVertical { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Says that band object's size must be multiple of this size. Defauilt value of -1 does not set this constraint.
/// </summary>
[DefaultValue(typeof(Size), "-1,-1")]
public Size IntegralSize { get; set; }
#region IDeskBand2
public virtual int CanRenderComposited(out bool pfCanRenderComposited)
pfCanRenderComposited = true;
return S_OK;
public int GetCompositionState(out bool pfCompositionEnabled)
pfCompositionEnabled = false;
return S_OK;
public int SetCompositionState(bool fCompositionEnabled)
fCompositionEnabled = true;
return S_OK;
public int GetBandInfo(uint dwBandID, DeskBandInfoViewMode dwViewMode, ref DESKBANDINFO pdbi)
if (pdbi.dwMask.HasFlag(DeskBandInfoMasks.DBIM_MINSIZE))
// Support for a vertical taskbar
// Most examples have no support for a vertical taskbar. Who in hell uses their taskbar vertically? Me! Very practical on a 21:9 monitor.
if (dwViewMode.HasFlag(DeskBandInfoViewMode.DBIF_VIEWMODE_FLOATING) || dwViewMode.HasFlag(DeskBandInfoViewMode.DBIF_VIEWMODE_VERTICAL))
pdbi.ptMinSize.Y = this.MinSizeVertical.Width;
pdbi.ptMinSize.X = this.MinSizeVertical.Height;
pdbi.ptMinSize.X = this.MinSize.Width;
pdbi.ptMinSize.Y = this.MinSize.Height;
if (pdbi.dwMask.HasFlag(DeskBandInfoMasks.DBIM_MAXSIZE))
if (dwViewMode.HasFlag(DeskBandInfoViewMode.DBIF_VIEWMODE_FLOATING) || dwViewMode.HasFlag(DeskBandInfoViewMode.DBIF_VIEWMODE_VERTICAL))
pdbi.ptMaxSize.Y = this.MaxSize.Width;
pdbi.ptMaxSize.X = this.MaxSize.Height;
pdbi.ptMaxSize.X = this.MaxSize.Width;
pdbi.ptMaxSize.Y = this.MaxSize.Height;
if (pdbi.dwMask.HasFlag(DeskBandInfoMasks.DBIM_INTEGRAL))
if (dwViewMode.HasFlag(DeskBandInfoViewMode.DBIF_VIEWMODE_FLOATING) || dwViewMode.HasFlag(DeskBandInfoViewMode.DBIF_VIEWMODE_VERTICAL))
pdbi.ptIntegral.Y = this.IntegralSize.Width;
pdbi.ptIntegral.X = this.IntegralSize.Height;
pdbi.ptIntegral.X = this.IntegralSize.Width;
pdbi.ptIntegral.Y = this.IntegralSize.Height;
if (pdbi.dwMask.HasFlag(DeskBandInfoMasks.DBIM_ACTUAL))
if (dwViewMode.HasFlag(DeskBandInfoViewMode.DBIF_VIEWMODE_FLOATING) || dwViewMode.HasFlag(DeskBandInfoViewMode.DBIF_VIEWMODE_VERTICAL))
pdbi.ptActual.Y = this.Size.Width;
pdbi.ptActual.X = this.Size.Height;
pdbi.ptActual.X = this.Size.Width;
pdbi.ptActual.Y = this.Size.Height;
if (pdbi.dwMask.HasFlag(DeskBandInfoMasks.DBIM_TITLE))
pdbi.wszTitle = this.Title;
pdbi.dwModeFlags = DeskBandInfoModeFlag.DBIMF_ALWAYSGRIPPER | DeskBandInfoModeFlag.DBIMF_NORMAL | DeskBandInfoModeFlag.DBIMF_VARIABLEHEIGHT;
pdbi.dwMask = pdbi.dwMask | DeskBandInfoMasks.DBIM_BKCOLOR | DeskBandInfoMasks.DBIM_TITLE; // Testen
return S_OK;
public int CloseDW([In] uint dwReserved)
return S_OK;
public int ResizeBorderDW(IntPtr prcBorder, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] object punkToolbarSite, bool fReserved)
return E_NOTIMPL;
public int ShowDW([In] bool fShow)
if (fShow)
return S_OK;
public int GetWindow(out IntPtr phwnd)
phwnd = Handle;
return S_OK;
public int ContextSensitiveHelp(bool fEnterMode)
return S_OK;
#region COM
public static void Register(Type t)
string guid = t.GUID.ToString("B");
RegistryKey rkClass = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(@"CLSID\" + guid);
RegistryKey rkCat = rkClass.CreateSubKey("Implemented Categories");
DeskBandInfoAttribute[] deskBandInfo = (DeskBandInfoAttribute[])
t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DeskBandInfoAttribute), false);
string _displayName = t.Name;
string _helpText = t.Name;
if (deskBandInfo.Length == 1)
if (deskBandInfo[0].DisplayName != null)
_displayName = deskBandInfo[0].DisplayName;
if (deskBandInfo[0].HelpText != null)
_helpText = deskBandInfo[0].HelpText;
rkClass.SetValue(null, _displayName);
rkClass.SetValue("MenuText", _displayName);
rkClass.SetValue("HelpText", _helpText);
// TaskBar
public static void Unregister(Type t)
string guid = t.GUID.ToString("B");
DeskBandInfoAttribute[] deskBandInfo = (DeskBandInfoAttribute[])
t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DeskBandInfoAttribute), false);
public DeskBand()
private void InitializeComponent()
this.Name = "DeskBand";
namespace TaskbarSampleExt
[DeskBandInfo("Beispiel Erweiterung", "Diese ist eine Beispiel Erweiterung für die Taskleiste.")]
public partial class SampleExtension : DeskBand
public SampleExtension()
this.MinSize = new Size(90, 40);
this.MinSizeVertical = new Size(90, 40);
this.Title = "Beispiel Erweiterung";
接口的聲明是不正確的,在CLR是gimpy有關COM接口,它們繼承除IUnknown或IDispatch之外的接口。 CLR實現接口的方式與C++編譯器執行接口的方式不兼容,它在綁定時更靈活,並且不需要按照接口指定的順序實現它們。對於期望按正確順序的方法的COM客戶端來說太靈活了,您必須包含從基礎接口「繼承」的方法作爲解決方法。只是無聊的複製和粘貼。或者只是簡化界面。 –
感謝您的回答,我改變了界面,就像Simon Mourier的第二個例子。 _(在IDeskBand2中添加了IOleWindow,IDockingWindow等接口)現在我可以立即啓動擴展程序而不會崩潰,但窗體不顯示在任務欄中。 是否可以使用Visual Studio(2017)調試擴展或從資源管理器中讀取錯誤消息? – patbec
發現問題,另外IObjectWithSite接口必須包含在基類中。 謝謝你的解釋:)我會繼續閱讀我自己的主題COM。 – patbec