//put on system/helpers/
if(!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
function form_ckeditor($data)
$data['language'] = isset($data['language']) ? $data['language'] : 'es';
$size = isset($data['width']) ? 'width: "'.$data['width'].'", ' : '';
$size .= isset($data['height']) ? 'height: "'.$data['height'].'", ' : '';
$options = '{'.
'language: "'.$data['language'].'",
stylesCombo_stylesSet: "my_styles",
startupOutlineBlocks: true,
entities: false,
entities_latin: false,
entities_greek: false,
forcePasteAsPlainText: false,
filebrowserImageUploadUrl : "filexplorers/fckeditor_upload/image", // << My own file uploader
filebrowserImageBrowseUrl : "filexplorers/inlinebrowse/image", // << My own file browser
filebrowserImageWindowWidth : "80%",
filebrowserImageWindowHeight : "80%",
toolbar :[
$my_styles = 'CKEDITOR.addStylesSet("my_styles",
// Block Styles
{ name : "H3", element : "h3"},
{ name : "Heading 4", element : "h4"},
{ name : "Heading 5", element : "h5"},
{ name : "Heading 6", element : "h6"},
{ name : "Document Block", element : "div"},
{ name : "Preformatted Text", element : "pre"},
{ name : "Address", element : "address"},
// Inline Styles
{ name: "Centered paragraph", element: "p", attributes: { "class": "center" } },
{ name: "IMG bordered", element: "img", attributes: { "class": "bordered" } },
{ name: "IMG left", element: "img", attributes: { "class": "left" } },
{ name: "IMG right", element: "img", attributes: { "class": "right" } },
{ name: "IMG left bordered", element: "img", attributes: { "class": "left bordered" } },
{ name: "IMGright bordered", element: "img", attributes: { "class": "right bordered" } },
// fix: move to <HEAD...
'< script type="text/javascript" src="'.base_url().'application/plugins/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></ script>' .
// put the CKEditor
'< script type="text/javascript">' .
$my_styles .
'CKEDITOR.replace("'.$data['id'].'", ' . $options . ');</ script>';
嘿,這教程歲 - 這是爲笨1.7書面和他們有一些筆記笨2笨是第3版現在。討論編輯器,包括在這個線程中的基本代碼:http://forum.codeigniter.com/thread-62576.html另外這看起來很有趣:https://github.com/moemoe89/codeigniter-ckeditor-filemanager – cartalot