2014-03-18 99 views

在Mac(10.8)上安裝WSO2 EMM服務器。根據iOS服務器配置指南創建自簽名證書: https://docs.wso2.org/display/EMM100/iOS+Server+ConfigurationsWSO2 EMM iOS註冊錯誤:「註冊中心的響應無效」

能夠在iPad(iOS 7)上成功下載並安裝自簽名根CA. 但是,在WSO2 Profile Service安裝期間在iPad上出現錯誤:





Mar 18 11:55:09 XXXXX-iPad profiled[2191] <Notice>: (Error) MC: Cannot retrieve SCEP identity: NSError: 
Desc : The Registration Authority’s response is invalid. 
US Desc: The Registration Authority’s response is invalid. 
Domain : MCSCEPErrorDomain 
Code : 22003 
Type : MCFatalError 
Mar 18 11:55:09 XXXXX-iPad profiled[2191] <Notice>: (Error) MC: Failure occurred while retrieving profile during OTA Profile Enrollment: NSError: 
Desc : The Registration Authority’s response is invalid. 
US Desc: The Registration Authority’s response is invalid. 
Domain : MCSCEPErrorDomain 
Code : 22003 
Type : MCFatalError 
Mar 18 11:55:09 XXXXX-iPad profiled[2191] <Notice>: (Error) MC: Installation failed. Error: NSError: 
Desc : Profile Installation Failed 
Sugg : The Registration Authority’s response is invalid. 
US Desc: Profile Installation Failed 
US Sugg: The Registration Authority’s response is invalid. 
Domain : MCInstallationErrorDomain 
Code : 4001 
Type : MCFatalError 
...Underlying error: 
Desc : The Registration Authority’s response is invalid. 
US Desc: The Registration Authority’s response is invalid. 
Domain : MCSCEPErrorDomain 
Code : 22003 
Type : MCFatalError 
Extra info: 
    isPrimary = 1; 



可以有很多問題,這導致此行爲。首先在文檔中,您必須使用生成的CA簽署生成的RA。打開證書並查看簽名者是否是您創建的根CA.接下來的事情是,當導入到wso2mobilemdm.jks時,你必須指定一個別名和一個私鑰密碼。 EMM附帶一些默認配置。如果它與您的別名和密碼不匹配,則不起作用。要檢查它,只需導航到{安裝文件夾} /repository/conf/mdm-config.xml文件。檢查你是否有適當的RA配置。一旦你改變這些條目,你需要重新啓動服務器。讓我知道這是否適合你。